In the middle of a forest there is a set of sprawling ruins, lost for centuries before being uncovered by a small group of teenagers out exploring. In the center of the ruins is a circular clearing with several pedestals, each holding an object. When each member of the group grabs an object, they are filled with strange power, and the doors to the ruins open. What will they find when they venture deeper? ---- Rules: This RP is open to six (6) SERIOUS players, including myself and my CoGM, HylianRose. The seriousness of your entry will be determined by either your CS or my prior experience with you. Basic RP rules apply. I assume you know the drill by now. My word is GOSPEL here. I retain the right to kick anybody out if I see reason to. That said, I typically don't go that far. HylianRose is my prophet. Have fun? ---- CS: Name: Age: Appearance: Gender: Artifact: (At first it is incomplete, we will find more pieces as we descend further, granting more powers. This will be one of the criteria I judge you on.) Artifact Abilities: Artifact Weaknesses: Bio: (Optional, but may tilt the vote in your favor if it's good.) ---- Character List: Me- [hider=Chris] Name: Christian Smith Age: 19 Appearance: [img=] Gender: Male Artifact: The Third Eye- A small sphere with an eye motif on it. The Eye seems to have several slots for more parts to fit in. Artifact Abilities: Base Form - Xray Vision through up to 10 feet of stone. Artifact Weaknesses: Bright Flashes of light [/hider] HylianRose: [hider=Jessie] [center] [img=] Jessie Walters 19 Female The Mimic - An intricate bracelet in the shape of a Chameleon. It looks as though it has several empty spots on it. Slots for something else? The Mimic gives it's user the ability to mimic the shape of another animate object. The Mimic's only weaknesses currently are mirrors as they reveal the mimic's true appearance and break the power of the artifact. Jessie grew up in a family full of girls. Girly girls. She hated it. She much preferred her little ragtag group of guy friends, often subbing guys night for her sister's Girl's Night Out which usually consisted of face masks, shopping, nail polish, and girl talk. Not something Jessie was interested in. Instead she stayed with her guy friends, much to her sisters' and mother's dismay, to play video games and shoot air soft guns. Her father had no problem with it, even signing Jessie up for soccer. She has a bad relationship with her mother but a relatively good one with her father. Still, she likes hanging out with the guys as just another guy. Which is why she usually hides her gender for most people. [/center] [/hider] Whirlwind: [hider=Aedre] Name: Aedre Fallon Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Gender: Female Artifact: Peace Flute – a wooden flute shaped almost like a drumstick with swirls carved on the sides. There are spots for keys to cover or plug up certain openings in it that are hard to reach with the fingers. Are the parts missing? Artifact Abilities: When played, the flute’s melodies slow down time to half its speed for up to 10 seconds (the 10 seconds could be measured using a watch) Artifact Weaknesses: Difficult to play, must be in tune or it won’t work properly, and not the best for emergency situations (like in the middle of an attack it’s hard to whip out a flute and play it) Bio: Aedre gets bored easily. She’s spent her whole life searching for that next exciting adventure. She is the type to find something she loves, jump into it obsessively for a couple months, maybe a year, and then completely abandon it. Growing up she lived with her mother only, but her mom worked all the time, leaving Aedre to her own devices. She got into trouble often, not caring that curiosity killed the cat. She’s not dead yet and won’t let things stop her when they get in her way. She’s dabbled in just about every sport and hobby, excelling at few, failing at most. She is particularly good at playing wind instruments, pencil drawings, and martial arts, but has never been able to stick with any of them for a long period of time. When it comes to friends, Aedre has been just as fickle, having a best friend for a year or so, then getting bored of their whining and finding a new one. She’s still friendly with old friends, and friendly with most people, she just has trouble committing when looking for that new emotional high constantly. [/hider] nBaB: [hider=Kyle] CS: Name: Kyle Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Gender: Male Artifact: The Hand, a gauntlet of sorts that seems locked onto his right hand. There are slots on the back of the hand. Artifact Abilities: Can change the temperature of items he touches with the glove. Artifact Weaknesses:Moving objects: He cannot change the temperature of an object in motion, and objects that move after he has changed the temp, (depending on the speed) Will change their temperature back. Bio: A very loud and quick boy, he often finds more worth (And more enjoyment) out of real-life experiences rather then school. He grew up in a very rural area, so he often had to make his own adventures, like "Conquer the Trampoline" and "Climb mount dad". As such, he has a very vivid imagination, which often causes him to space out and miss otherwise obvious things. Luckily, he knows how to use his quick thinking to fib his way out of trouble, and has so far only been to detention a few times. He is, however, easily angered, and his emotion can turn on a dime. Lately he has been visiting a therapist, and is looking for a way to keep him emotions (and his thoughts) in check. [/hider]