[quote=Rockette] Ooh, suspense!!Think I'll post something today as well. [/quote] Awesome. Summary of Jazeer's post for the time constricted: Jazeer briefly philosophises over the ruins of his peoples' former power, and comes to a sad conclusion. Basar arrives with the World Breakers to help Jazeer in his campaign. Jazeer is reluctant to have Mundhir killed until he knows the truth of what happened. The two brothers quarel, until Basar accidently lets slip details that only those involved in the plot on Mundhir would have known. Before Jazeer can react, he is relieved of his command. Basar tries to have him arrested and taken back to Eblistan, but Jazeer pulls out a pouch of explosive powder and threatens to kill himself and Basar. Jazeer is then allowed to leave, but is told he cannot return. He walks off towards Baalor, trying to figure out the extent of the plot on Mundhir, and what it means. -------------------------------------------- Incoming Lore: Tribes of Goblins live below Baalor in the derelict sewer systems, Mundhir made mention of this when Rin was blabbing about the old crone making him some stew. The Goblins are largely peaceful, choosing to stay away from mankind, and fighting only when they must. Otherwise they are scavengers that use the night to hide their antics. They moved into the ruins about a hundred years ago, after being driven from Uchfos by some of the forest's less than peaceful creatures.