[center][b]Villain[/b][/center] --- Robin didn’t bother to say anything to Jonnie either. Ze had said “may” and that was enough. The tunnel started to brother even Robin. It would have been perfect just without the smelling water. Whose stupid idea that was anyway? Well, most likely there was no one to blame about it, and Robin knew it well. Ze did zir best to focus on the beauty of erosion. It was rather fascinating, the way how the rock face always looked almost the same, yet it was slowly changing even at the moment. It might seem like the earth was always still but actually it was always moving and changing. One could think that the only thing which stays until the sun burns itself out is the ground under his, her or zir feet, but actually the only thing which stays is it’s slow but powerful change. Had anyone yet stopped earth from moving? Those thoughts made the scent almost bearable until the traps which Mr. Graves triggered made Robin feel a bit uneasy. Ze forced zirself to focus on the potential traps which haven’t yet launched. It was terribly tiresome and Robin started to almost doze off. "There's light ahead and hopefully future minions!” Soren said by a tone which was maybe supposed to be a whisper. Robin snapped awake. Ze took zir staff to other hand and the second longest knife to other, ready to both using drying spell or potentially attacking if that was absolutely necessary. Ze stayed still for a moment. Soren walked for a bit and then Robin heard him shouting: “We come in peace!” Then was maybe a second of silence and then sound of arrows soaring through the air. “So they attacked”, ze muttered. There was a small problem. Jonnie was useless wet, but they couldn’t just walk to hopefully drier part, because Kobolds were shooting arrows there. It meant that Robin had to pretty much expand zir whole spell to the tunnel and dry it as well, or ze had to carry Jonnie to where it was dry enough. Ze glanced Jonnie hastily and decided to attempt the former. Jonnie didn’t seem like a person who would be too happy about having to arrive by piggyback riding to the enemy territory. “I’ll start the spell now, okay?” Robin said. If Jonnie didn’t stop zir for whatever reason, ze would start a spell. Ze would whisper: “Jää-äärne kuu-uurija töö-öö” and the staff would start to glow slightly and become warmer, like it was a living creature. Then Robin would cast the actual spell: “Märg lähe ära se oli väga huvittav tuttavaks saada aga praegu ma ei taha sinu kaasa mängida sa saad aru ma tean küll nii et lähe ära.” Ze would speak slowly and make sure the staff heard zir every single word. And then the magic would start. Jonnie and even the tunnel would become dry, too dry. Robin would manage to do the magic technically correctly, but ze would put too much power in it. Zir knuckles’ skin would start to bleed a little and ze would have a terrible thirst. Exhausted from the spell and its effect, ze would have to lean on the stone wall for a short moment before being able to participate the fight.