Ah, there was Mara. Wyeth knew that she would complain about his wound and tell him to show it to her. Even though he was hurt, the tactician didn't like having his wounds touched or prodded, even by a cleric or another type of healer. But his wound was hurting, and he knew that he should get it checked. His eyes dropped down to the gash on his arm. His blood had clotted and it bled only a little, but it wasn't a nice thing to look at. The tactician extended his arm and showed the wound to the cleric, his eyes drifting over to Riley. [B]"I don't plan to die so easily, you know."[/b] he told her, a grin crossing his features. [B]"It takes more than just a small cut to bring me down. I'm not just some weakling."[/B] Wyeth brushed some of his hair from his face, his grin wavering to a small smile. [I]Do they think that I'm so easy to kill?[/I] Then Vincent spoke up again. His words were rubbing salt into the wound and Wyeth didn't appreciate it. His dark brows furrowed as he watched the lord closely. [I]He doesn't like me.[/I] he told himself. [I]That's okay, though. I don't give a wyvern's ass if he doesn't like me.[/I] Yet, what he told him was a bit unsettling. Wyeth didn't want snakes in his group. But then again, he shouldn't be skeptical of every person who wanted to join. It wasn't like he wasn't keeping an eye on new recruits. [I]That man makes my blood boil, though. Something tells me that we're never going to like each other.[/I] [b]"I think he's a bit touched in the head. Maybe he fell off his horse and hit his head against a rock or something."[/B] even though Wyeth maintained a serious expression, the joke escaped his lips. His silver eyes flicked back up to Mara. [B]"Is your treatment going to hurt? Because if it does, I might cry."[/b] a smirk shot across his face as he spoke.