Alex nodded a bit then replied. "Yes it is..." Fact is though, even if the problem was too big Alex would attempt to stop whoever or whatever is causing the problem. Running away is to reasonably cowardly. Alex just observed his surroundings and when the tiger was being fed. He felt no hatred or any negative feelings toward animals consuming other animals. Alex sorta would like to dash for the enemy. Not because he did not agree with Elsa's decision but it tends to be harder to pinpoint someone then when they are moving. Alex felt somewhat tempted to try the meat but then impaled his own hand with the hooks inside of his gloves more powerfully then a graze with a small amount of blood staining his glove. [i]A small reminder of the indecency and impurity...[/i] Alex's morals were a bit off compared to everyone else's but they kept him in line. __________________ Along with what was inside of his room their was strangely an object out of place. It would become visible rather quickly like a crack in a mirror. When a place as sacred as your bedroom is violated in the littlest ways it tends to cause an overreaction of a sort. In the room, lying on his bed for whatever reason, was what appeared to be a mirror. Except it did not appear to be like a modern mirror. It flowed almost as if the glass was water moving inside of a container. But the water was black. The closest thing in resemblance being an obsidian mirror. But even then the beauty of this was far superior. But still out of place. It was about a 2 feet tall with a foot log width. The outside adorned with what appeared to be incredibly black wood carved to give the mirror a less rectangular appearance adding more curves and twists. It was on his bed facing the opposite side of the room with the bed to its back and being supported by its shorter one foot bottom. It was rather majestic.