Mara tensed a little upon hearing Riley's words. Of course Riley was right. After all, one of a healer's primary duties is to, well, heal. Mara respected Riley for being frank; too many people would sugarcoat things when talking to a cleric, and that was the last thing that Mara wanted to happen. Bowing her head, she replied. [b]"I assure you, it will not happen again. It was a momentary lapse in judgment."[/b] In a wry tone, she added, [b]"our leader will live yet."[/b] Upon turning back to Wyeth, she let her eyes settle on his face for a brief moment before looking away. [b]"A little pain may do you good. Perhaps it'll make you more serious next time. We could all... we could all do to be a little more serious about these matters. There is always the possibility that our next battle could be our last."[/b] Mara didn't mean to be a buzzkill. She just had a problem treating serious matters lightly without feeling pangs of regret because, just maybe, being serious could help save more lives. With her eyes closed, she extended her staff and waved it over Wyeth's wounded arm. Being a cleric, Mara had conditioned herself to act as a channel for healing energy. The act was often physically draining to her, but perhaps this was in part due to her inexperience. Thankfully, Wyeth's injuries were not severe enough to warrant any real strain on Mara's part. Wyeth would feel a gentle warmth wash over his body as the healing magic did its work. Upon finishing, Mara leaned against her staff and gave a gentle sigh of exhaustion. [b]"If you need me, I'll be at the temple."[/b] This was a chance for prayer and quiet contemplation. On second thought, Mara wanted nothing of that: being left alone to her own devices was always a recipe for disaster. Instead, the cleric resigned herself to simply restocking her supplies and running errands for the duration of her stay here.