Devon smiled and said "I'm Devon. That thing back there was quite messed up, I'm not even sure WHAT it was! But it did take that girl...." He said confused, wondering what the beast would want with her. He then turned to Arthur and said "Sorry for bringing it up, my si-" He paused for a second. "I've known some people who've had similar things happen to them." Hawk looked over the folder and left soon after, knowing what needed to be done. He ignored Terra, if she wanted to follow she could, but he didn't care he could handle this on his own if need be. He used his ability to glidge quickly across rooftops, and made it soon to the tallest building in the city. He scaled it to the very top, and stood on it's roof. He pulled out a white mask with black glass over the eyeholes, and placed it on his face. It covered the upper half of his face, and when it touhed his skin, small magnets clipped together, locking it to his face. After that, the technology whirred to life, and the black glass lit up like a screen. At first everything looked black to Hawk, but then the system ran it's colour scanners, and it was just like looking normally, except there was some technological benefits. If the light was killed the mask would simply turn into Night Mode and he would be able to see again. For now, he used his ability to connect to the air around him, pulling in the sound waves from the air and into his ears. His brain went into hyperdrive, and his head kept flicking left and right, and then back. Finally, he heard something of interest, and dropped everything but it. He heard a female voice and a male voice, and they were obvious hybrids. He heard them talking about a 'beast' that had passed, and that was enough for him. He dived from the rooftop, gliding quickly across the landscape, making his way to the destroyed zone. He landed just by the fence, and sprinted down back alleys until he was near where the beast had last been sighted. He stopped for a moment to gather clues on where the beast went next.