[b][center]Cloudhaven Market District Affected Players: Pyotr[/center][/b] Xris was doing a marvelous job, and the very small crowd cheered him on as he flew around doing all sorts of tricks one after another. He was having fun, too, except for the fact that the small crowd he had would never cough up the amount of money he had wanted to earn that day. He had always wished he was nimble and agile, but in reality, he wasn't the most fit person there was. He wasn't fat, oh no. He was almost [i]too[/i] skinny, but wasn't really that strong. He was more sort of wiry. As he was getting close to the finish, he glanced over the ledge to the lower part of the city. What he saw at first made him surprised, then angry. [i]So [u]that's[/u] where everyone is![/i] he grumbled inwardly. It seemed like a different street performer was preforming in the part of town he had claimed, and was doing good enough to be a threat. the boy finished his act and gave a bow. The small crowd cheered and tossed coins into the hat that he had bought for that exact purpose. He didn't really like wearing hats. As the crowd began leaving, Xris looked over the edge. People nearby could almost see the steam coming off him as he glared below. [i]This needs to end now![/i] he thought, and jumped off the edge as if he were doing a belly flop. As he reached the half way point of the fall, he curled up and did a flip before landing on his feet with ease. "Hey buddy, this is my turf. You wanna work, do it somewhere else!" he exclaimed angrily. He normally doesn't talk like that, but there was something about playing MMORPGs that really makes one want to sound cool.