Sapphire felt satisfied at last. She could still taste the delicious stew and warm bread in her mouth as she gently patted her stomach. [i]“Delicious,”[/i] she thought whilst wearing a wide grin. Gazing around, she began to notice how busy and bustling the town really was. [b]“I wonder what’s going on today,”[/b] she mumbled with an air of curiosity about her. Not even less than a minute, the teal haired girl’s eyes happened to set on a flyer stuck onto one of the shop’s walls. She got a closer look and realized what it was in an instant. [b]“It’s the biannual jousting tournament! How could I forget?!”[/b] she exclaimed with a bit of dismay. Of course she’d forget, she was so preoccupied with her new friends to worry about one of her favorite things to go to when she still lived here. She added the joust to her mental list. However, first things always come first- she had to add to her ever growing candy sack. It only took a moment for her to ponder on where she’d scamper off to find the what she say was the best candy store in the entire realm. Looking this way and that, Sapphire hopped around the next corner and, sure enough, she found what she’d been waiting for…with a surprise bonus. Turns out she wasn’t the only person to be craving sweets at that time. She nonchalantly waltzed up to the two, Noelle and Vincent. [b]“Oh…I didn’t see you two there,”[/b] she cooed, feigning surprise. Furtively, the girl hoped that the two didn’t buy too much of her favorite types of candy when they went, but she doubt they’d do as she secretly wished (mostly because every candy was her favorite candy). The teal haired girl then proceeded to walk into the store, her signature dopey smile visible on the petite face. No matter what her gaze happened to fall upon, she was excited. Candy sticks, rock candy, powdered candy, miniscule cakes, and much more surrounded her. Without hesitation, Sapphire began to greedily fill a sack with everything she laid her eyes on. It was pure bliss; Sapphire could hardly contain her elation. By the time she finished picking out what she wanted- in other words, a bit of everything in the shop- she turned towards the cashier to pay. She collected a lot more than she had originally planned to purchase. Once she was told the price, the girl dug into her satchel, frowning at the contents. She breathed a solemn sigh at what she knew she had to do. [b]“I…I guess I have to leave about half of what I want…”[/b] The girl took the sack and glumly began to place some of the sweets back, spending quite a time due to her indecisiveness. [i]“Oohh, I don’t know what to put back!”[/i] She feared she’d remain in the store for what would seem like forever before making any more choices.