''Come, witch. Or die here.'' Zoran-Theia was a bit taken aback by the stranger's sudden rescue. Few people had ever offered a helping hand in her life, and all of those who had, always expected to gain something out of it. She looked on, at an even more odd creature the woman had taken as a mount, and invited her upon. Well, at least all of this craziness saved her from having to figure our some plan of her own. It was a [I]bit[/I] conspicuous, anyone in the near vicinity now stared in their direction. Still, maybe it would give her enough time to get off this rock. Climbing onto the strange flying serpent, not a moment too soon...nearly getting her ass left here...they quickly took to the sky. As they reached the edge of the city, a howl filled the air behind them. With a glance over her shoulder Zoran-Theia assured that it was Tarek, her companion the wolf, who had been waiting just in the edge of the forest. The thick hair upon his neck was bristled, and his lip curled just enough to show some teeth. He had sensed the danger and found his master, but was obviously uncertain whether those newest arrivals were friend or foe. As Tarek quickly caught up with the winged serpent and his two riders, he made an abrupt swoop downward and caught the back of his master's shirt between his teeth. Pulling Zoran-Theia off the serpent and downward as she kicked and cussed and attempted to keep her shirt from choking her. "You big oaf!! I was fine where I was..." She coughed a few times as he continued his decent toward the tree-line. "Jealous." She coughed again, and at last felt the ground beneath her kicking feet. As Tarek dropped her off, he then stepped around in front of her and barred his teeth, ready for anything.