[quote=Prisk] I hate horror movies! I can't watch them at all. I'm too good spirited to watch evil things. I start to cry, get panic attacks, or some other crazy stuff when I watch that garbage, which is why I also dislike the Halloween fad... where everyone insists on watching scary movies all night. [/quote] Aw, I hate scary movies too, but The Conjuring was way more than just a scary movie. It had like... absolutely no jump scares which gave me the opportunity to watch it for its story and not cower behind a pillow. I was skeptical of that, at first, when my friend told me, "James Wan hates jump scares; he thinks they cheapen a scary movie." And I was like... I dunno about this. But, it was like so scary and the plot was so good that my eyes were glued onto the TV. Like everything you think about in a movie that you automatically assume "terrible, cliche horror flick" you see nearly none of in The Conjuring. It was genuinely scary and not just, "BOO!" cheap scares. But, if you get panic attacks from movies with a lot of jump scares, then you'll die watching The Conjuring. But, if you're religious or spiritual in any way, I think it really solidifies your faith because of the arching theme of the movie and the impact of its ending. Going into the movie, I woulda died if you told me that this movie will make you cry. My friend told me that about Schindler's List and I was thinking that I was going to cry for a certain reason, when it turns out that reason was the total opposite of what I was expecting. To be frank, though, I had no idea The Conjuring was going to make me cry. @_@ It's a very sad movie, but it's also terrifying. However, neither of those reasons are what made me so emotional lol. I'll agree with you that a lot of.. .well, the majority of scary movies are complete garbage, but I'd be offended if you called The Conjuring garbage because, despite my dislike of scary movies and dislike of me wanting to see them on a whim and my agreement that the horror genre has turned into kind of mush (I'm not an aficionado of horror flicks, but I think it's obvious that it's not as good as it could be. I think The Conjuring is what Avengers was to the Superhero Genre of movies), The Conjuring was one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's up there with Alien and that was a horror flick too. Alien is terrifying, but it's my all time favorite movie.