Regardless, I am right there with you, Prisk. I hate it when my friends are like, "We're having a party," and when I get there, they all corral into one room, leaving me disoriented and confused, and then sit down to watch a thousand scary movies. Afterwards, I have to literally turn on all the lights in my room, have my TV, Phone, and Computer blaring whilst having every orifice in my room sealed tight. And then I have to pray that I don't get killed in my sleep by something insidious. Ugh, and then freaking commercials around Halloween. That should be banned. Q_Q Like. That crap needs to be played at daytime and past six, it should be illegal to play scary movie commercials because that leaves me mortified and paranoid. ._. I literally have to turn away, get headphones, plug them into my computer and blare whatever it is I'm listening to until I go deaf or it's over. Whichever comes first.