[quote=Rare]why don't the people just get mad and rebel against the government?[/quote] Do you want to go up against a military that has over one trillion dollars and enough firepower stockpiled to level a small country with, at best, an assault rifle, a boot, and coarse language? Not to mention the majority of Americans are just too apathetic to care. Any rebellion now would only be comprised of small groups of dissidents that wouldn't even so much as dent the thick infrastructure of the United States' government's defensive capacity. Plus, the only thing Americans are scared of more than the government is everyone else: The Chinese, the Russians, and so on. (Note: When I say Americans in this context, I'm not referring to you or any other individual American, I'm referring to average joe blow schmo who's only source of consistent information on the outside world... Is the news media that is controlled with a vice grip by giant business conglomerates who want absolutely nothing to change.)