[hider=Pic][URL=http://s74.photobucket.com/user/Bloodlut/media/stock_woman_in_white_dress_03_by_clair0bscur-d6u0sma.jpg.html][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/stock_woman_in_white_dress_03_by_clair0bscur-d6u0sma.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Name: Holly Tibur Age: 23 Appearance: Holly is quite tall, being as tall as most of the people that she meets and taller than a fair few. Her hair is a deep silver-gray colour and matches that of her eyes, giving her a slightly ‘exotic’ appearance. She wears dark and practical clothing with a green hooded jacket, allowing for full movement whilst keeping her somewhat incognito from any watching eyes. Personality: Generally speaking Holly has quite a fiery and independent personality, but is friendly and happy the majority of the time. Only Mundanes and talk of her parents drive her to become aggressive and bitter, her personality making an almost complete shift from her usual carefree demeanour. She is articulate and very intelligent, but wastes her intelligence somewhat as she generally fails to commit herself to any particular course of action for any sufficient period of time. Holly may seem to make friends easily, however the truth is she has no real friends – failing to make any meaningful relationships that go deeper than surface superficial levels, this was not always the case. She generally ignores problems for as long as she can before dealing with them. Occasionally she can become depressed and very melancholy about their (The Uisilons) situation and the brutality and rejection from Mundane’s society. Over time this is turning from a dislike of them to hatred of all Mundane regardless of their role in the banishment and killing of Uisilons. History: Holly was a normal Uisilon child, raised by both of her parents to respect and understand her abilities as a ‘silver rank’. Her parents were what she would now call ‘Mundane lovers’, in that they did not blame the majority of the Mundane for what had happened to them when the Uisilon were driven underground, and they only blamed the most powerful and corrupt amongst them who gave the orders from above. They taught Holly this viewpoint and throughout her entire childhood she was fascinated by the Mindane and the differences between the two ‘races’ and learned about them whenever she could. As she got even older the obsession grew to the point where she wanted to go to the surface world and meet some Mundane, but her parents always forbade it – her safety being their primary concern. Both of her parents were a part of the group which travelled to appeal to the leaders of the world to allow them to come out of hiding and re-join the population, and just like the others they were slaughtered mercilessly. Before that day Holly had never considered the fact that the Mundane would still feel as hostile to them as they did in the past, and she was sure her parents would succeed and she would be able to live a life on the surface in the sunshine with all the Mundane friends she could dream of. From that day forwards she quickly began to hate the Mundane, she hated the fact that the same aggression and prejudices that were a problem more than 80 years ago were still a problem today, and of course she hated the fact that they killed her parents despite their love towards the Mundane in spite of what they had done. She realised in the end it was that love that had killed them, and that love which would make sure she never made the same mistake. She didn’t hesitate to voice her anger and desire for revenge against all Mundane, especially the world leaders directly responsible for the murder of the Uisilon political group. It didn’t take her long to find others who felt the same way. Rank: Silver Rank Power: Telekinesis Stance on whether or not to retaliate against the Mundanes: Holly believes the time for hiding is over and it is now the time to strike back. She doesn’t care how it is done, but she will make those responsible pay and ensure that her people’s banishment ends and they return to the surface where they belong. She now believes that the Mundane are inferior in every way, and Uisilon’s should be the ones in charge of the world to protect it from the horror of the Mundanes and their ways.