[B]Cloudhaven - Market District Affected Players: Chrys, Prince and Eira[/b] Eira simply listened to the man without giving much of a retort. Her mouth had stayed open open until his hand fond hers. She looked to the two intertwining, her cheeks filling with a bit darker green. Her brown and rough appendage glaring back at her to ruin whatever moment she had though was happening. It was interesting how she still felt with it, the warmth from the red heads palm translated to hers just as it would if she had her normal body. She met eyes once again with the man and stumbled some words out. "Uh...s-sure..." What she was agreeing too or affirming, she wasn't exactly sure. With some level of clumsiness she got her "feet" back on the ground and stood to her meager height, her renewed and constant gaze into the blue eye was only broken when the other person began speaking. Prince smiled a little as the smaller boy started to stutter once more, explaining their quest in a little more detail as well as shortening his mouthful of a name. Eira nodded somewhat as if a response to his hello. "Uh..." She looked between the two. They could still be evil....She hadn't dealt with it herself, the stealing or...killing. She had sort of kept locked up inside the center of town. "...Okay..." She nodded softly a few times. "I can come with you..." The tall cat man purred as the Druid shyly agreed to their request. Chrys on the other hand was having less... optimistic thoughts. Wow, was this girl a faker like him? The girl was quiet and meek, not only that she was totally shy! How could someone like her, who doesn't even try out do him in cutesy attitudes? Maybe it was because the girl was actually pure and not corrupted unlike the wonderful and absolutely bitchy Chrys. However, he has to deal with this girl and with a half hearted smile, he nodded and let out a nice and simple, "Th-that's great! I can't wait to work with you." Eira wasn't sure how much she could trust them, but she needed to do something. If she just sat around she would waste away her whole life up in hat virtual inn, and she didn't want to stay...this way. "I'm...Eira." She lingered on her name. She wasn't sure if introducing herself in the games name was smarter or not. For a while it was all she had been going by, but...a part of her was worried she would actually start thinking of herself as that, not Sarah as she actually was... It took her a good while to realize she was still holding hands with this person, and she with a nervous mumble withdrew it gently yet quickly. The tall cat man purred as pulled her root made hands away from his. It was quite a surprise to feel such rough texture, yet still feel warm with life. It was nice though, the smell of the forest and the silent whispers of leaves felt quite relaxing. "it's nice...to meet the two of you." "That's great! Then we got a party! Yay!" Prince cheered with a wide smile before wrapping his long arms around the both of them in a big hug. His ears twitching a little in some of his excitement before he released his strong hold on his new companions. Uncomfortably close to two new people the druid began to panic inwardly. A whole plethora of objections quickly filled Sarah's mind but before she could fail at saying them clearly the hug was over. Chrys' excitement, however, was pretty decent, he could go get 200 gold from a quest. Didn't he left the information in his inventory? As he was caught in a hug by the giant kitten, a bit hard there, he thought about how he was going to adjust with this life and as he was let go, his face turned serious and the demeanor he had went from bored to something with authority. He walked ahead of them and looked at the two with determined balls of hazel. Prince merely chuckled as his two much smaller companions pulled away after releasing them, his carefree smiling expression never changing even when Chrys got more commanding and serious. It was quite difficult to see any change with the felines mood. Perhaps it was a mask like many others, perhaps not. Either way, it would be apparent he didn't completely leave his emotions on his sleeve. Though he was not surprised at Chrys's attitude. Again, it was one of the many possible conclusions of this boy. That is why only truly naive people underestimate a cute face. Stumbling back a bit and crossing her arms as to keep any intruders away, Eia looked with flush cheeks at the smaller boy. His face had turned from it's previous soft one to one of commandant. "OK, I'll send you a party request and I want you to accept understood? Also, since this quest seems to be a hard one, I need us to practice our co-ordination." Chrys swiped his hand to the right, revealing a white menu with grey lettering. Where was it? Party Request... Party Request..... Found it. Third option. Pointing at the option and he clicked their profiles and sent them each a request. Another request popped up on his screen, asking to be in a party with himself. Wow, did they really think he was that stupid? [i][Party Request from Chrysanthemum Hayazel Accept Request? >Yes No][/i] Accepting his own request, as redundant as that was, he opened up another menu. Quest list. He remembered taking the quest and putting it on his reserve list. "OK, I'll send you both the quest details. Be warned though, we will need to stock up on this quest." He spoke again, he wanted to make sure both of them knew what they were getting into. He wasn't going to deal with 2 dead bodies. [i][Quest Received from Chrysanthemum Hayazel Quest: Oh no! I've Lost My Miracle Seed! Description: Someone please help me? I went for a walk down the Cloudhaven Sewers so I could find something to train on. However, I found a rare item on the way there so I decided to keep it in my inventory. But then I was driven out by this huge monster and now it's in the monsters possession! I'd go back down and fight it but I'm too afraid so I'd hope a group of people could come and get it for me? Please! It's my treasure ever since I've been trapped in here! Rewards: 600 gold, 3 steel ore Requirements: A party of 3 or more. Miracle Seed needed for completion][/i] "Seems like this one quest where we need to be ready for anything. I want to go on a few training trips first so we can co-oridinate our attacks together better so we have a chance. Also bring as many potions, healing crystals and equipment as you can. We'll get killed if we aren't ready. You can back out now if you want to but please remember... Death IS part of this deal." Chrys forewarned them in a strict tone. No one was going to die as far as he was concerned. He went on about coordination and teamwork, and soon a request found the druid's and buccaneer's HUD. Eira scanned the silver gilded party request she familiar questions filling her head. Should she actually go with this? Biting her lower lip a bit she looked quickly up between Prince and Chrys. Well, she couldn't really back out now, sure they said she could, but it didn't feel like she should... Accepting the request she simply tugged her arms behind her back, the twisted wig intertwining. "....Okay..." Was all she said after the small brown haired one finished speaking. "Mhmm sounds great." Prince grinned as he swiped his right hand and accepted the party invite after reading over the quest. "I bet you ten gold the creator of this game loves Pokemon Mystery Dungeon." he laughed softly before humming. "Well then I better to get my adventuring pack. I'll be back, I'm heading back to the ship I work for to get it. Unless you want to come." The tall man purred, seeming not fazed at the warning of death being final. Then the red head practically bounced along through the crowd, heading toward the docks to apparently get his items he would need for this journey. He had to be prepared after all. A class like him needed potions. Hopefully, they understood the danger they were getting themselves in. Knowing that Chrys already had everything in his inventory, he nodded as the feline man decided to go off and grab his equipment. Shaking his head in refusal to Prince's, he stared at the cat man walking towards the docks of Cloudhaven. Chrys gave a glance to Mother Nature next to him. "You going anywhere? If not, I recommend you go and check on your supplies." With a sigh, he folded his arms and looked downwards, thinking about what he'd need to do. "I think we should part for now, Miss Glowheart. Remember to stock up on potions and the likes okay?" With his back turned, he turned his head to the pair and with a smile, he spoke, "I'll send you and Mr Prince a message then we can meet up here. See you." He needed to go see the sewers and see what monsters lurked there. As soon as Eira thought to actually ask question about what to do, it seemed that her partners already knew where they were going.. Eira turned to her other teammate when he began to speak, when he finished she managed a small "O-oh, alright. I'll try...See you." And with that the boy was off, leaping up a building with ease. The small druid watched with some amazement, then after their body had completely disappeared, she looked down to her own. Her gnarled arms and legs sneered at her, 'you'll never be able to do that.' She sighed at the thought, all the ways she loved to move back home she wouldn't be able to do now...Sulking a bit now, she decided to make her way back through the crowd. Any items she would have are either in the inn, or the gardens. "You'll get out...you aren't always going to be a tree..." She murmured reassuring thoughts to herself as she not so gracefully pushed through the crowd, the earlier notion of not hitting anyone was long gone.