Karen: "Same as normal except my sisters are returning so hopefully things will get a bit more exciting around here. It does get a bit boring here on my own, most friends are working so I can only chat to mum or you Drake. Kaylah being in a different time zone does not help, Kat working the night shift and sleeping during the day is a downer too. On top of that Krissy does not answer her phone, I wonder if it is just for me or if it applies to everyone. I guess you might be much busier now that the girls are coming home or are home." Drake nodded, 'urm'ed and arh'ed in the right places as Karen spoke, but couldnt help but chuckle at the mention of him being busier now the house was full again, by this time he had finished his lunch and had turned fully to face her as she responded about her workout with her sisters luggage, which she mentioned about all the equipment and clothes her sisters had, which made him smile thinking about the fact he had to rebuild Karens wardrobe and bed to accommodate more clothes and shoes as she grew up. "If the noise gets too much I could always get some soundproofing in one of the unused rooms and set up a bit of a mini studio for her - if it gets to that, not that I am volunteering for extra work mind." Drake shook his head a tiny fraction, thinking that noisy and messy sisters would be the least of the issues soon enough. -------------------------------------------------------- "So you understand what the plans are?" The shadows spoke to the two kneeling hired demons. "Soon enough, it is said that the Charmed One's legacy is about to be enacted - and it is your job to prevent this, simple enough? You know what is at stake and what your reward is for success and your punishment for failure?" The two demons looked at each other quickly nodded before bowing once more before the shadowy demon sitting before them. "Yes my lord." they both spoke in unison, riches beyond their reckoning or lose their powers to the upper level demon before them, although as hired guns, they only had low level powers - losing theirs to him would only increase his own current powers - but this was a risk the two were willing to take for fame among the underworld and the riches to go with it, "Leave me now and make your preparations, you know when to strike." A final nod and they both blinked away...