[center]------------[b] Doodlequest 3 [/b]------------[/center] Doodlequest is back! This time around it'll be private to prevent me having to deal with a constant stream of new players bogging down my workload. Do not post in this thread asking to join the game, you won't be accepted. [hider= What is doodlequest? ] Doodlequest is a play-by-post RPG that plays out like something of a combination of Dungeons and Dragons and Dragon Quest. There's stats and dice rolling, but I manage most of that on the side so that all the players need to worry about is strategy and how they play their characters. It's called doodlequest because I will be constantly drawing doodles of what is happening IC. [/hider] [hider= Character Creation ] Since we're going to try and be a bit more serious with this iteration of doodlequest, I'm going to ask for a little more info on your characters, stuff you would expect to be asked in RPs. First, if you want your character to be part of a race we haven't already established, you'll have to create it. [b]Race Name:[/b] What are they called? If they have multiple names, list them. [b]Racial Appearance:[/b] How do they look? You can give me an image to reference but make sure to point out any specific things you feel define the race. [b]Racial Traits:[/b] What physical traits do members of this race generally have? Are they smart or stupid? Language? [b]Society:[/b] Anything noteworthy I should consider when writing their society into the world? Where do they usually live? [b]Name:[/b] Keep it as something that would be acceptable in a fantasy setting [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female or Other(Only if your race allows it) [b]Race:[/b] If it is not already created, you'll have to create it. [b]Alignment:[/b] How does your character feel about following laws? (Chaotic-Neutral-Lawful) Are they the type of person who would risk their safety for others (Good) or sacrifice others to advance themselves (Evil)? (Good-Neutral-Evil) [b]Motivation:[/b] What is your character's goal in life? This could be as simple as wanting to be rich and powerful or as specific as avenging the death of a lost friend. [b]Role/Class:[/b] Short description of what role your character would play in an adventure. [b] Appearance: [/b] What does your character look like? You can give reference images. Remember that I have to draw this character regularly, so try not to put in too many unnecessary details. [b] Bio: [/B] Anything noteworthy happen in your characters life? How have they learned the skills they have? Obviously, we don't know much about the world right now so you don't need to write in exact details. Be as descriptive as you want. [b] My Wish: [/b] What would you (The player) like to do/see in this adventure, be as vague or specific as you like. [/hider] [hider= Stats/Skills ] [center]---[b] Survival Stats [/b]---[/center] [b]Health[/b] [indent] A representation of your character's overall well-being. If it reaches 0, your character will fall unconscious; if it reaches negative-half the maximum health, your character will die. It can be recovered slowly through rest, or quickly through magic, potions, or medical treatment.[/indent] [b]Fatigue[/b] [indent] A representation of your character's energy and tiredness. It decreases slowly over time when you aren't resting, and quickly when you use skills or do things that are particularly tiring. It can be recovered via rest, eating/drinking, magic, and potions. If it reaches 0, your character will pass out.[/indent] [b]Defense[/b] [indent] Your character's resistance to damage. It is calculated by combining whatever natural resistance your character may have plus what resistance their armor offers. It will be subtracted from most damage you take.[/indent] [b]Evasion[/b] [indent] Your character's ability to evade incoming attacks. It is calculated by combining whatever natural evasion your character may have plus what evasion their equipment offers. It will be subtracted from an attack's accuracy when they are rolling to hit. [/indent] [center]---[b] Abilities [/b]---[/center] These measure your skill against the various challenge an adventurer might find themself facing. [b] Brawling [/b] [indent] Your character's ability to fight hand-to-hand, with both bare-fists and melee weapons. Melee weapons and skills will require you to have a certain level of this ability to use them properly. It is also used to determine unarmed damage and will be checked when you attempt to perform a particularly difficult melee move or get into a fight that is not serious enough to require actual combat. [/indent] [b] Aiming [/b] [indent] Your character's ability to spot things from a distance and properly control ranged weapons. Ranged weapons and skills will require a certain level of this ability to use them properly. It will be checked when you attempt to perform particularly difficult shots.[/indent] [b] Scouting [/b] [indent] Your skill at running/maneuvering and at tracking and detecting things. This will be checked whenever your speed or balance is tested, whenever you try to climb or move in a way that I consider difficult, whenever you attempt to search an area or listen for something, when you attempt to dodge or run from combat, and when you are travelling to determine how fast you move and what encounters you have.[/indent] [b] Infiltrating [/b] [indent] Your skill at moving stealthily, picking locks and pockets, and finding alternate means of entering buildings. Whenever you do something involved with stealth or thievery, this will likely be the skill tested. [/indent] [b] Maging [/b] [indent] Your skill with magic and knowledge of magical lore. Magical spells, skills, and items will require you to have a certain level in this skill to use it properly. This will be used to determine your success in performing difficult spells and rituals, when your knowledge of magical lore is tested, or when you attempt to learn/examine unknown magics.[/indent] [b] Thinking [/b] [indent] Your character's general intelligence and knowledge of non-magical things. Particularly complex items wit This will be checked when your character's knowledge of non-magical things is tested, when you attempt to read a particularly difficult book, craft items, brew potions, build and operate complex vehicles, and when you attempt to do things that require a certain level of general skill (performing music, making art, first aid)[/indent] [b] Convincing [/b] [indent] Your skill at communicating with others and convincing them of things. I will check this whenever you begin interacting with an NPC to determine their beginning disposition towards you (Whether they like or dislike you), and whenever you attempt to convince them of something or change their disposition towards you. This will also affect your prices in trading with NPCs.[/indent] [center]---[b] Skills/Spells [/b]---[/center] Throughout the adventure, you will acquire skills that allow you to spend stamina points to do special things. Magical Spells follow the same rules as skills. Here are the stats involved with skills. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Cost:[/b] How much stamina is used to cast this skill/spell. Some skill may also have a health cost, in which case it will say here. [b] Requirements:[/b] Skills can have various requirements. Most commonly they will require you to have a high enough ability score (Such as Maging for most spells). Some may require you to have specific items or be in a particular place. [b] Effect: [/b] What the skill does, it can be a lot of things. If it is a spell, it will also have: [indent] [b] Difficulty: [/b] This will give an idea of how difficult it is to cast the spell. If it has a difficulty of 'none', then you will succeed at casting the spell automatically. If it does have a difficulty, then I will make a roll to determine whether or not you succeed at casting.[/indent] If it is an offensive skill/spell, it will also have: [indent] [b] Range: [/b] Short, Mid, or Long. [b] Element: [/b] I will explain this later. [b] Accuracy: [/b] 1-100%, your chance to hit with the attack. [b] Damage: [/b] How much damage the attack will do.[/indent] [center]---[b] Items [/b]---[/center] Items, especially weapons and armor, also have their own stats. [b]Name[/b] [b]Worth:[/b] How much this item is generally traded for, traders usually aren't fair enough to go by this exact value. [b] Durability: [/b] A measure of the items stability, this will decrease with use and increase with repair. If an item's durability gets out of hand it will be destroyed. Some items will not have a durability or may be impossible to repair (Such as potions, which have a limited number of uses). [b]Requirements:[/b] Same as with skills, some items may require you to have a certain ability score or skill to be able to use them properly. Magical items usually require some maging ability and complex items or books usually require some thinking ability. [b]Effect:[/b] What the item will do when used, this may be nothing for mundane items. if it is a weapon, it will also have: [indent] [b]Range:[/b] Short, Mid, or Long [b] Element: [/b] I'll explain this later. [b] Accuracy: [/b] The chance to hit 1-100% [b] Damage: [/b] How much damage it does after hitting. [/indent] if it is armor, it will also have: [indent] [b] Defense+: [/b] How much defense this armor gives the user when worn. [b] Evasion+: [/b] How much added chance of evasion this armor gives when worn.[/indent] [/hider] [hider= Game System ] For those who really want to know. WIP [/hider] [hider= Players ] Accepted Players: [indent] Dervish Idlehands Drakel Uskglass BrobyDDark [/indent] [/hider]