Kartal was glad that they didn't taunt the fear. "Now Hector will exploit this." He said his biggest concern. "He will make sure I lose before the knockout match." He found no point in sighing about it now. "Let's get lunch at the mall's foodcourt." He lead the girls. Lindemann smiled. "Sure, I can help with your training." She accepted the invitation. "Well being German doesn't change much in Gunpla battle but we're working on it." She paraphrased the Red Baron's quote on Germanic efficiency. Before she left however she noticed the Scirocco look-alike's attempt at wooing her. Unfortunately for him she wasn't buying it and left with the cosplayer. Gordon saw the attempt at wooing and found the failure hilarious. "Why does failure make the best laughs?" He asked himself. He can consider his victory with probably the worst Mobile Suit the funniest joke of the day. Feeling content he walked away for lunch.