[center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/nwc680.jpg[/IMG] [b]N A M E[/b] Rayn Finch [b]A G E[/b] 21 [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] She is introverted. She tends to be reserved and quiet, especially around people she does not know well. She prefers spending her time with a close group of family and friends. She likes to focus on the details. She spends more time thinking about the here and now rather than worrying about the future. She also prefers concrete information to abstract theories. She cares more about personal concerns rather than objective, logical information. She likes to keep her options open, so she often delays making decisions in order to see if things might change or if new options come up. [b]H I S T O R Y[/b] Rayn has always been a mystery to everyone around her, however it wasn't always this way. When she was younger Rayn's family consisted of her, her father Denzin, and her Grand mother Sage. Rayn never knew her mother, but it never bothered her much because Sage had always been like a mother to Rayn. She was so cheerful and bright even in the worst of times. Sage had always found a way to make Rayn feel happy, her father never understood it. Denzin although confused and lost at times always tried to be the best father for Rayn. He showed her compassion and love, but there was always this wall between them he never understood how to get through it. When Rayn was about ten Sage had passed away, they never knew what happened just one day she didn't wake up. Rayn didn't speak a word for weeks and even now she only talks when it's neccesary. Sage was the light in her dark world and now that it's gone she didn't know how to react. Denzin was heartbroken, not only for his loss but for Rayn to lose someone so close at such a young age. He knew he had to stay strong for her, which was hard to balance when she was so distant. Since then Rayn kept to herself and though she would never show it she does love her father, just without Sage she can't talk to him like she could. Now a days Rayn simply keeps to herself practicing her magic and reading books [b]R A N K[/b] Silver [b]P O W E R[/b] Acoustokinesis- ability to manipulate sound waves (If this isn't okay I can change it) [b]S T A N C E[/b] Rayn had never thought about leaving til it had become a growing issue. She liked her settlement but she wasn't afraid of change either. This whole surfacing ordeal actually burst started something inside her and she grew a curiosity almost a passion if you will for the land above. She began reading what ever she could to learn and even made some conversation about it. The surface is her new light, and she's even caught smiling every now and again.[/center]