[b]Akihiro, Katsu[/b] Katsu had been sitting by the pond for only a few moments before her train of thoughts was interrupted by a newcomer. Firstly, Tanaka Hideki. She knew the man, since he was a student in this very dojo. Katsu actually had a hard time understanding this man. She saw in him a lack of commitment, but certainly not to the sword, and it simply confused her every time she spoke with him. One of Katsu's many defaults was her pride, and so when he approached her she immediately grabbed her swords and stood up, not wanting to speak with him if she was lower, scared of displaying weakness. The girl student did not say anything as Hideki spoke up, but then turned around quickly, facing him, and looking quite angry. She had not the time to answer as a second man came in, Akira Naoki. Her opinion on this one was already settled, Katsu saw him as a source of annoyance. Granted, he had some skills with a sword for a farm boy, but for Katsu it was really hard to admit. He often made mockeries, which she was not particularly receptive to, and worst of all...he sometimes came late, which was unacceptable. The more he spoke, the more Katsu looked irritating, eventually closing her eyes in holding down, surely, many stingy answers. The moment he was done, she spoke up. ''Enough.'' She said of her serious tone, which was her usual's. Katsu had seen some sense into Tanaka's words, but Akira was also speaking the truth. Even if this was the case, she would not admit it to them, not openly, anyway. ''[s]Ba-Baaaka...![/s] Idiots, what makes you think I am looking for any kind of answers to anything?'' she said, looking away. While it was no secret to anyone her father refused her the title she asked for for months, because she had too many flaws still, she adamantly denied it. ''Furthermore, you are right, Akira, I do not want [i]any[/i] Yon-Dan's advice, you included. I can find any kind of answers in training, though it's not like I am searching for any.'' And with that, Katsu walked away rapidly, letting out one last 'Hmph' as she disappeared inside the Dojo for the beginning of today's training session. As she walked on one of the outside corridor going around the Dojo, she passed by the gardens. Her eyes briefly locked on a girl sitting there, drinking tea. Katus knew almost naught of this student, except that she almost her polar opposite. She shook her head to chase that taught, and kept being on her way. The Master, Sensei Akihiro, was already waiting. ------------- Akimi, Oichi As soon as Oichi entered the dojo, she was accosted by Shiro. He was, actually, by far her Senpai, but did not act so much like it to be honest. Still, the Dojo required of one to be extremely aware of the traditions and so Oichi bowed respectfully to him, before speaking up. ''Greetings, Zogaikotsu-Senpai. You are already here, so early as usual.'' She said with a smile. Every words Oichi spoke sounded like they had been prepared in advance, and her smile looked like an act in an elaborated theater piece. Not that she was not sincere, far from it, but her extreme show of respect towards others made it look that way. Now hearing a voice from behind the duo, Oichi turned around only to see Eri appear. Yet another student with a much higher rank than herself. Also came Takashi Hayazo, one year older than herself here at the Dojo. Oichi showed the newcomers the same respect she did with Shiro before them, giving them both the proper greeting. ''Good morning, Yamato-Senpai, Takashi-senpai. I look forward to training with you today.'' Oichi turned to face yet a third newcomer, but the man passed by them without a word. She then realized she did not know this particular individual, and by the look of it he did not seem to want her to know him either. She could respect such a wish, even if they'd eventually meet in the Dojo. ''If you all excuse me...'' she said with a light bow of her head ''..I will proceed to the Dojo. I would want some time to myself before we begin today's training.'' On that the girl smiled, and left ahead of the group. Today's lesson would start any moment, and Oichi had an habit of meditating if only a few moments before the beginning of training.