Vladimir glared at Manchester when he mishandled his sword, and bared his fangs. When Wisp gave him back his sword, Vladimir nodded his thanks. "Manchester, your age's guns aren't worth a fortune like this sword. And here's what you should know about swords, the don't jam or misfire and most certainly do not run out of ammunition. They're very handy when you get up close and personal with an enemy. Also I am warning you, the next time you touch my sword I'll give new meaning to the term of having a head-splitting headache" he said with a growl. And he went back to practicing his sword maneuvers and techniques. --- [i]"recognize B14, Kid Miracle"[/i] Finn entered the base with his staff held in his right hand and he gave everyone a wave. "Hello, I hope I'm not late, I overslept thanks to reading up on a transfiguration spell" he said to his teammates with a cheerful smile. He hoped that he would get along really well with the other members of the team. They sure were diverse in terms of what type of heroes they were and he hoped that would prove to be a good asset.