You wake up in the middle of the night. You heard a sound. When you get up you see that the window is opened when you know that it was closed when you went to sleep, so naturally you go and close it. When you turn around you see a strange man with a mask standing in front of your bedroom door after he locked it. He lunges at you and pins you against the wall. He also puts a rag covered in chloroform and puts it in your face, causing you to pass out. When you wake up your in a room with a bed, a wardrobe, and a door leading to a bathroom. There is also a large door, currently locked, that leads out of the room. Strangely enough, the clothes in the wardrobe not only fit you, but they're also clothes that you would wear. Obviously they have been watching you for a while. You can only think about why you're here. Rules: 1. No Godmodding 2. No OP characters 3. You must be a normal person unless I give you special permission to be a creepypasta. 4.Keep romance PG-13 (if there is any) 5. No OOC fighting 6. I can change or add rules as I see fit 7. Listen to me and the Co-GMs that I will pick later Character Sheet: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Weaknesses: Strengths: Other: There are twelve spots available, eleven after I make my character. 1. Andrew Mann 2. Amber Jones 3. Archie/Soulless 4. Ezhno Ivalio, nicknamed as Wolf. 5. Naku Kuin (Commonly called Cry) 6. Arima Shen Anima 7. Violet Moore 8. Stella Kasseb 9. Adrian Wells 10. Nathan Grant 11. (reserved for EnchantedMeadow) 12.