[b]Heather - Camp - Hank[/b] Heather flinched at the sound of Hank's fist colliding with the bin. She closed her eyes and turned her head away at his angry questions. "Do what?" she asked, "Express my opinions? If I roll over and agree with everything you say will you like me again? Well I'm so sorry I can't be a parrot with boobs." Aaliyah's appearance kept things from escalting beyond that. Heather sighed deeply. She regretted how harsh she was sometimes, but just like Hank her pride wouldn't let her be the first to apologize. He left without another word and she felt like punching something herself. Instead she rubbed her face and looked heavenward before looking back at the unconcious man before her. "Why must you men be so difficult?" she asked him. Since he had no answer for her she started putting things away. He was trying? [i]He[/i] was trying? That was a laugh. Of course she wasn't really trying either, but at least she didn't claim otherwise. She had given up on trying when he had decided he didn't love her anymore. Her feelings had taken longer to wither and die, but now they were just like his : gone. At least that was what she told herself to keep from cracking. He was just fine with the way things were so she would be too. She wasn't going to suffer if he wasn't God damn it. She could hear him talking to Aaliyah outside and her irritation flared once again. Flirting with the young girl? How typical. She was far too young for him, but maybe that was how he liked it. Maybe that was why he'd stopped loving her. Maybe she had gotten too old for him. She knew some men liked their females young but she hadn't thought Hank was one of them. "Damn it," she muttered, crushing some bandages in her hand before shoving them roughly into a box. They couldn't keep on like this. One of them was going to explode one of these days. Something had to give and soon...