[b]Cloudhaven Market District Affected players: Lovissa, Zen[/b] The young lady pushed a strand of her messy hair behind an ear as she watched, smile ever present and gracing her otherwise pouty lips, and she definitely clapped as one of the loudest when the Harlequin's little show came to an end. After which, he seemed to take off with another young male from the crowd, to be disrupted later by somebody who looked like they were looking for trouble. Maybe they were a PK, like she had heard of? Ah, it didn't matter to Lovissa. Not in the slightest just yet, she had nothing to do with the people otherwise, though if the occasion called she would talk some sense into both parties. Perhaps for the sake of quelling arguments and building more proper bonds between people. Everyone needed a friend of some sort to keep themselves from being killed. It was almost something she'd regretted by turning down the two males from earlier. [i]Ah well. I'll find something to do.[/i] Noticing a flash of silver in the corner of her eye, she spun on her heel to notice another player in the crowd with striking hair, and not an NPC since his username was up there, hovering above his head clear as day in the shiny lettering. It was long, and complicated, and too much so to have been of an NPC. She dismissed it the instant she saw it, the NPCs were by mention much more easy; simpletons. This person looked like they were in deep thought, or distressed about something. The logical thing to do would be to ask, and as the crowd around them dispersed, the thief closed the little distance between him and herself and made her presence quite clear, even clearing her throat and standing right in front of him. She had to look up at the man, though she made a quick scan of his attire. He looked like something out of a comic book, really. Some...Japanese samurai comic book. Perhaps from back in real life? It didn't matter. Conversation was to be made. "Hi. I'm assuming the forlorn expression means something is wrong, good sir?" she purred, eyes mimicking the ocean with how they gleamed in greens and blues and turquoises in the daylight, and maybe something more. They shone with a playful, calculating spark. [i]Avoid using his name at all costs. Wouldn't want to pronounce it wrong, after all/[/i]