The Breton girl looked up at the one eyed man he had introduced himself but, Yuriah was to distracted by his one eye she couldn't help but stare at it but after getting her wits about herself she managed to stammer out a "My name is Yuriah Cariic, I'm From The College of Winterhold." She told the nord the last word trailing off due to a lot of peoples mistrust of mages trained in The College. With that all said she looked to the other members of the group, She had never really worked with an Argonian before and didn't know much about them, her knowledge about them didn't extend much further than The Lusty Argonian Maid. Which even thinking about it made her turn bright red but eventually she reigned herself in and looked at the other member of the group the high elf. She didn't trust him right off the bat she knew they were probably not going to get along, they always stuck their noses in her business at the college even going as far as to tell her what she could and could not practice at the college. But for the sake of the mission and The Rebellion she put her feelings to the side and looked at the groups fearless leader the one eyed Nord, she found herself saying what everyone was probably thinking. "Why Us?" She asked The Nord.