Name: Hide Garson Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Hide[/url] 5'2" (122lbs) [hider=Personality] Hide is someone people easily see as a friendly and welcoming face, if not someone who is just a bit too bouncy for his own good. He makes the best out of a bad situation and its not entirely uncommon for him to laugh at bad news. Putting up with an intolerable amount of bullshit is probably his forte. Most negative emotions do not seem to bother him, especially when coming from other people. If anything, he is very empathetic and attempts to help those in distress when the need arises. Though like anyone who is a huge emotional sponge, this can leave him to be very apathetic, sometimes even belligerent. Anger is a very rare thing to witness in Hide and is generally very dangerous. He doesn't really know how to control his temper when it arises, things can quickly get out of hand if he doesn't calm down. [/hider] Other: When traveling outside of a personal 'safezone', Hide always brings a few bags of blood with him.