[b]Cloudhaven Affected Characters - Xris, Isaac[/b] Pyotr flinched in an exorbitant manner, moving an arm in front of him for protection and shouting in a high-pitched voice. [b]"Shrieks! A villain has appeared!"[/b] He looked to the side, relieved to still see Isaac there - seems like his first task came even earlier than planned! Taking a step closer to the knight, he looked at the wiry boy - he didn't seem particularly dangerous, but he wasn't about to take a risk with somebody who would just off a tall ledge with a flip just to confront him. Clearing his throat, he lined up a response. [b]"The adversary confronts the hero! But he is quite wrong, for there wasn't any sign that said 'Only thin blonde people with green eyes are allowed to perform here!'"[/b] The harlequin examined the one standing in front of him - it was rather clear that he was an acrobat with the dexterity he had displayed so far and his build, perhaps someone they might even have some use for! [b]"After all, it is the people's choice of who they want to see perform, and they chose me today, my springy friend!"[/b] Pyotr turned to Isaac, expecting his loud and strong approval right about that time.