Name: Jacob Rommel Birthday: November 21st - Age 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Jacob is a young man of thin build but is fairly muscular but only due to the normal training that cadets are put through. He has silver colored hair that is well combed and kept well cut just below his eye brows. He has no piercings on his body and has round brown eyes. He has a thin chin, He has a thin nose to match his build. His lips are rather small but not abnormally so. He has tanned white skin. He wears stainless steel glasses with oval shaped lens. The closest picture I can get to Jacob is the following with the description above replacing the coloring of the character (Ribbons Almark) in the picture [url=] He stands at 5'9 with a weight of 135 lbs Personality: Jacob is a very self confident man whom is not very easily shaken or bothered by other peoples comments. He is the first person expected to be arrogant about what he is capable of and often is vocal about his doubts about other people. While he shows the qualities of a fine officer he lacks any sort of charisma that could rally a person around him. He has a introverted aura about him that makes him seem eerie and scary to some people others see it as arrogance and simply don't like him based off it. He is extremely blunt and to the point and doesn't enjoy toying around with people and is not the first one to laugh at a joke. He has an great hatred for titans and humans with no sense of virtue or self restraint. He is extremely calm and it takes something profound to intimidate him. However while he is good at hiding it he can be extremely emotional and his attitude does show shades of it by the types of words he uses and how blunt he is. He is not shy by any means and has a great respect for a superior who's abilities are unquestionable but has a deep hidden distaste for incompetent commanders and at his worse he can flat out disobey orders when he believes he can do something better. Jacob can be extremely smug at times especially when he is proven right about one situation or another. He can handle frustration very well but when it starts to pile onto him he tends to snap. He can be extremely casual under almost any situation even when he is about to murder a titan, or another person, in cold blood. He is not especially fond of causing pain but he has no problems with it and is not vocal when he is uncomfortable. He has no problems with doing unethical things in order to get things done but will not be bribed by others. Biography: Though much is known about his origins exactly, due to his blunt statement that he is not interested in sharing it to anyone who did bother to ask him, he tells anyone who asks that he comes from a fairly well off family with a couple uncles, aunts, and cousins. He also is said to have a couple brothers whom were also in the military but he doesn't tell anyone who they are exactly merely that they served in the Military Police, and the Survey Corps. Those who know his origins choose not to tell it if any actually do. He showed up to the recruitment center after helping a garrison unit arrest two deserters after breaking one's arm and knocking the other unconscious with a rather large rock from behind. He claims that he already has experience dealing with human opponents but wants to join the military to prove his own worth. How true that is however is up to suspect since Jacob has yet to talk to any in particular. The boy carries along a small library of books which range from journals to manuals about fighting. He claims to have some minor experiences with the gear already claiming that nearby garrison units showed him how it worked at a young age. He has already proved himself to be extremely talented in the ways of tactics and strategies by stating several different ways a squad could kill two or more titans off the top of his head. He claims it all came from what he heard from stories from a veteran survey corp member who died some years ago. Jacob is expected to become a valued member of the military once he graduates. Proficiency: Extremely precise Talented combatant (he's good in a fight be it with or without his titan fighting gear) Talented with gunpowder and fire arms (including cannons and explosives related to gunpowder) Extremely talented tactician and commander Calm under pressure High pain tolerance Extremely knowledgeable/well read, not easily intimidated. Inefficiency: Lacks any above average strength, and speed. Lacks any sort of real charisma to unite people who don't listen to what he says. His ability to kill titans singularly is questionable at best. He has a hard time recovering from nausea, and or dizziness. Small weight class leads to him being outmatched by heavier people or objects Though he known for his ability to keep calm when his calm is broken he tends to get very emotional and is not easily reasoned. His introverted aura makes him a very unlikable person even without him talking