Hedy saw some relief in Kartal's face when he confessed on the idea and decided that a decent lunch would probably be the only way for him to release what grief remained. "I guess we'll have to hope something happens." As she followed Kartal and YingJue to the food court she began to wonder to herself, “What would Heinlein have to say about situations like these? Hm fear, fear, fear… ‘There’s no limit to her love, we have everything to gain — and nothing to lose but fear and guilt and hatred and jealousy?’ Not fitting enough. ‘Live each golden moment as if it were eternity — without fear, without hope, but with a sybaritic gusto?’ Eh maybe…” "Who the woah!" The Schwarz Bruder cosplayer proclaimed out of enthusiasm for his acceptance. He was fortunate to already be in a red costume or else other observers would have correctly guessed he was blushing in excitement. "Alright! I did it! I made it! I got a date with Ms. Germany! The constellations have really aligned tonight!" He brought his attention back to the German Champion when he handed her an apartment cardkey when he offered, "Alright my lady, here's my apartment key. Can't wait to see you tonight. I promise it's going to be a nice time tonight." He skipped off as soon as he handed it over when he cheered, "Yeah!" Brian observed his lackey skipping to him when he asked, "So how'd it go?" The cosplayer stopped in front of Brian when he answered, "Aw man Dave you're not going to believe this! Ms. Germany is coming over to my apartment! Just watch, I bet she's still dating. I give her my Spiegel and she teaches me the moves and before long she's on me like uh... uh... what rhymes with 'me'?" "Like a bee?" "Yeah! Her hair smells like honey I bet!" "Yeah so he manages to get one of the rising stars easy. It's not like-" Brian cut off his train of thought when he had an idea come to mind at the opportunity. He turned to face the cosplayer when he asked, "Hehe... So think you'll be getting lucky with her tonight then?" "Of course, she's got my apartment key and everything." "Here's the secret to a lady, you're going to need the right 'substance' to swoon her into the right mood if you know what I mean." "Oh yeah that works... But do Germans like to drink anyway? Budweiser?" "Close but not quite. Why don't you just wait for me outside my trailer and I'll fix you with something nice." "Aw man thanks Dave you are a pal and a leader." "Not a problem pal. Just wait, you'll really have her under your wing soon enough." "There's something wrong about this." The Danish Champion observed on the matter. His Egyptian friend was next to him when he asked, "And you're not feeling it out of jealousy?" "I've just been having a sort of bad feeling with him ever since he made his way here." "Good point. Guess it wouldn't hurt to keep watch over what he's doing." "We'll have to see how he does. It’s better that we know she's safe than let her "Who knows, it might even answer who was attempting to do the sabotage in the first place." Brian prepared the gunpla pieces on his table while shaking some sedative herbs together when he chanted to himself, "Hehehe... There once was a man from Nantucket. Who thought his date was only definite. But he finds out too late that his evening won't be intimate. Pretty soon he'll only be asking whodunit..." He remembered the cosplayer's nationality when he answered no one in particular, "Doesn't make sense but hey, it's just too good an opportunity to pass." He wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to mix the herbs with whatever saké he would decide to give the Schwarz Bruder cosplayer, but then again her health wasn’t much of a concern in this case.