[quote=vancexentan] Alright I believe I'm finished if you want the full back story on Jacob Undying I will pm it to you.Also I have some criticisms of your guy. First of which Luka is a girl's name while that is subjectively important is one thing.Second off is his specialties...How is he able to form strategies like my guy when he's a blacksmith's kid? You'd think he'd be the guy able to cleave through a titan. Heck my guy is noted for having kill shots despite his weak frame but that is due to the preciseness of his shots. Tacticians and strategists are usually well read and scholarly types or people who have experience which is the whole make of my guy. While my guy is not some awesome uber titan killer his reading materials and natural intelligence make him much more likely to be a planner than your character is for example.Also to prove I read the rules while not wanting to prove I read them by putting them on my profile here is the obligatory: I <3 3DMG. [/quote] For the name thing. It only took a letter to change it into an Italian boy's name XD Regarding his specialties, I didn't see a problem with them, but I did change it slightly to give a better idea of what he was good at. The spcialty you were referring to was more geared towards him being sensible and rational when making decisions. It might just have been poor wording, I guess.