Zen continued to stare at the harlequin, acting as if he didn't pay attention to the person who had just talked to him, but he took note. Zen was panicking just a slight bit, someone had just came up to him and tried to... talk to him. Why? Zen could not answer that question, at least, not without getting to know the person, and getting to know someone meant talking to that particular someone. While Zen knew the person couldn't do anything such as slit his throat in plain sight - or perhaps she could if she was quiet enough about it - Zen was still a bit on the cautious side. Slowly, but surely, Zen turned to look at the person who tried to talk to him, questions floating around in his head. Perhaps the person was an NPC? But, as Zen looked at the person, he knew it wasn't any kind of NPC. It was the same person Zen had acknowledged earlier, and even then, Zen was extremely cautious around her until he dismissed the option that she could be a PKer, but now? She was striking up a conversation with him for no reason. Zen would have to navigate this field of landmines carefully. "Nothing is wrong," Zen said, carefully analyzing the girl from top to bottom. "Do you need something..." Zen looked at the username hovering above her head, deciding to pause mid-sentence to address the girl by her character's name. "... Everglade?"