[quote=vancexentan] If I may make a criticism on your person as well Rin having strategies on both of them seems a bit redundant. Especially formation stuff on your medical character who wouldn't need to know such things unless she's a co-captain or has leadership experience. Which given she's cowardly seems a bit unlikely. In fact what do you mean by solo and team tactics/strategies on your first person? Do you mean she's a strategist or do you mean she has been taught how to do specific things in those scenarios. My guy is a planner not a warrior for example. He specializes in the making and thinking of tactics and strategies and then getting implementing them. While he can fill most roles he isn't a straight up soldier. The only reason he is so good is because he is so good at thinking and improvising on the spot. [/quote] Well, considering this roleplay will be based on character development, I wanted Rayen to grow into her skills. Her cowardly attitude will eventually go away with time, and just because she doesn't show leadership skills now doesn't she won't later. As a medic she needs to be aware of team and group formations to assist and aid her squad at the highest proficiency, so if someone were to get injured or hurt she can react fast and head to the exact area where they were assigned. Unlike your guy, my character, Dania is a warrior. Her training was battle, and 3DMG focused so in thought, yes she was trained on how to act in solo situations, but her confidence and skill allows her to act on her own accord and come up with her own strategies. Even if they are sloppy, or dangerous. She's not all that much of a team player, but she is capable of working with her team, and listening to others commands which was what I meant for 'Team Strategies' in her proficiency list. EDIT: I can also see where their proficiencies can seem redundant, but they're on different sides of the spectrum when it comes to Team Strategizing.