[quote=vancexentan] Speaking of which are you going to grade my guy today or tomorrow Undying? I'm not being pushy at all I'm just asking since it's getting late where I live. [/quote] I hate to say this, but you're going to have to change your bio.The Rp will start after enlistment, when all the recruits are being welcomed into the army. Your bio doesn't really fit into the timeline of the Rp. I would also like to make it a point that if your character joined the garrison he would very seldom fight titans, and it would probably make your Rp experience quite boring. [quote=Rinnee] : Dania “Danny” Merlo, (Guerra): January 3rd - 18: Female: : WIP: Raised in the slums of Shinganshina during her first years of life, Dania was the only daughter born to Miguel Guerra, a Veteran Soldier in the Scouting Regiment. Her parents were young and in love along the time her mother became pregnant, and despite the dangers of having a relationship with a Scout her mother, Josefina Prieto, married her father at the young age of eighteen. But as predicted tragedy soon followed once the regiment returned from their expedition, and only three months into her pregnancy, Josefina had lost her husband. Raising a newborn as a single mother had been a struggle. Living in the poorest district, food was scarce, and two months after Dania’s birth, her mother began to struggle to keep a roof over there head. Those were desperate times, but it was then that her mother met her current husband, Antonio Merlo. He arrived on their doorstep, like a knight in shining armor claiming to be the best friend of Miguel, and one of his squad mates. Promising the dying man that he would take care of his family after he passed, Antonio had finally come to whisk them away from the hell hole of the slums. So from the Shinganshina district, Dania and her mother left the outer ring, and moved to the Karanese district within Wall Rose. Their lives changed drastically for the better, and before long a relationship bloomed between her mother and Antonio, and a year later Rayen had been born.When her sister had been born, the two had been inseparable, and at the age of six, her mother had given her a piece of advice that would shape Dania’s perspective on life forever. Family comes first. It was a simple saying, but the girl considered it an unspoken rule amongst her family. Interpreting the words in her own way, Dania took it upon herself to become her little sisters protector. She fought off anyone who bullied, or picked on Rayen, and became her biggest supporter. Growing older and coming to realize the reality of the world they lived in, Dania began to show interest in the Military. It ran through her veins, surrounded her life, and with the fall of Wall Maria, she accepted it as a calling and a sign that her place was among the Scouts fighting for Humanity. Her parents had been against the idea in the beginning, but with enough convicting and some compromising from both sides, Dania was able to enlist when Rayen had become of age as well.Proficiency: - Able-bodied, and a force on the field- Precise 3D Maneuver Gear Control- Solo Offensive Maneuvers / Tactics- Team Strategies / Maneuvers- Quick reflexesInefficiency: - Emotional Shutout- Lacks Empathy- Overconfident- Social Skills- Can be impulsive during certain situations- Rebellious: Rayen “Ray” Merlo: October 12th - 16: Female: : WIP: Rayens birth had been called a miracle. Conceived a month too early and born premature, it was predicted that she wouldn’t make it through the night. She was small, and weak, and couldn’t even open her eyes, but despite the doctors predictions, Rayen pulled through and eventually grew stronger. She had been delicate in her childhood physically, and mentally. Bruising easily, accident prone, over-sensitive, and an all around crybaby, the small girl had become a target to many of the older, more harassing children in their neighborhood. However her big sister wasn’t going to allow any of that. Getting into countless fights, and always standing up for her, Dania had become Rayens own personal hero, and biggest influence.The fall of Wall Maria signified a big change in her families life. Her father had been one of the many Scouts called to support the Vanguard during the fall of Wall Maria, and while he had survived that infamous day he had not left unscathed. Losing both an arm, and a leg her father had been discharged from duty and was left scarred. Their home became a place of tension and grief, but when Dania had brought up the idea of joining the military, Rayen wasn’t sure if she had found her way out of their depressive pit of a home, or a death wish. Once her birthday came however, she had been quick to enlist alongside her sister. Young and naive, she jumped the military bandwagon with all the wrong intentions.Pushed to her physical, and mental limit, it seemed like Rayen was at her wits ends but before she could break her older sister came to the rescue like she always did. Building up Rayens confidence enough to get her to stay, Dania made a promise to stick by her sisters and help her with training, but only if she put the effort into trying to earn a spot amongst the top trainees so she could join the Military Police. Not wanting to return home, but unsure of the idea of joining the Military Police, Rayen was forced into the promise and continued along with training.Proficiency: - Academically focused- Extensive knowledge over past and present formation strategies, Titans, and the military branches themselves- Extensive Medical training, and knowledge- Social Butterfly- Manipulative (Could be seen as good or bad)Inefficiency: - Small framed, lightly toned; Weak in Battle- Low self-esteem- Cowardly in certain situations- Can become impulsive in stressful situations- Compulsive liar- Martyr Complex [/quote] Like I said before, the Rp will start before any training actually commences. So the last paragraph of you second character has to be altered.