[quote=QuickySlippy] Christian smiled back. "Hi. I'm Christian, by the way""Sure, I'll share. I think my favorite memory is a tie between last Halloween, when me and my friends wandered around town with bags full of candy until one in the morning and then went to one of their houses to set up a trading system in his living room, and a few weeks ago at a summer camp, when I was the camp king, because it was my last year, and they do a thing for last year campers which is basically a prom monarchy. All of the guys in my cabin picked me up and put me on their shoulders chanting 'long live the king'." [/quote] "I went to summer camp once but it was nothing like that." Sue replied with a laugh. "The most memorable part was my sister and I get into a canoe. We did fine getting to the middle of the lake. Then we couldn't get back. No matter what we did we were stuck in the middle of the lake. The counselors had to bring another canoe to rescue us."