Rand patiently waited on the phone as he heard the fight commence. As he waited, the hunter turned to a different app while still on the call to try and connect with the base, but for some reason he still couldn't. Connor must've been taking his time then. When Travis was finally done, Rand said, "I'll assume the demons won't be pursuing. The help would be appreciated seeing as we don't know what we're dealing with yet. Hey Jess can you...Jess?" Rand widened his eyes and dropped his phone as he looked at the charred area where Jess used to be. There was no body but it could've easily disintegrated. Rand picked the phone back up slowly. "I need you here now, one of my hunters just went MIA, and I don't she's going to come back. 621 Lucky Herb Drive. You'll see us." The hunter hang up the phone and sent Damien a text. [i]Jess is gone, not just vampires. Get here faster.[/i] Damien should be close anyway but Rand wanted to speed him up.Shaking his head, Rand looked over at Mason and sighed. "Too soon...why her?" Rand lowered his eyes and continued walking down the road. ------- Connor gave a small smile as Inkness his apology, and gave a sigh of relief as the tension died down. He could hear the wizard yelling towards them, but didn't bother to reply. Having these two supernatural here made him nervous enough even without the danger threat. [i]"Conner. I think we should go find the others. I want to make sure they are not walking into a trap."[/i] Damien said. He glanced over as Inkness offered her support and slightly frowned. He knew Rand would immediately deny that help if he was offered, knowing Rand's stance on supernatural in general. Connor gave a worried glance. Should he really be going if this was actually urgent? After what just happened even with little danger Connor managed to screw something up. But while he felt unconfident in the field, maybe he could give support here. "The base still needs to be set up, and I can give radio support and tracking from there," Connor said to Damien, standing back up. "I'll be more helpful here, I'm not ready to go out yet." He knew how to do the computer surveillance anyway and at least felt confident at that job. "I just gotta chase out the wizard, and the smoke'll clear out soon enough so I can finish setting up."