I hope you don't mind if I recycle my old CS. [hider=My CS]Name: Sten Revna Gender: Male Age: 35 Appearance: [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/28878344de9ffa3d1a34816b361e9bf2/tumblr_mhz7eiCu8j1r21rsxo1_500.jpg] Equipment: Standard Imperial Guard Flak Armor Force staff Laspistol, two extra clips Psy focus (Imperial Guard ID tags, charred beyond recognition) Lho-stick case. Psykana Temple robes. Personality: Sten was once very outgoing and friendly, but the discovery of his psyker talents has changed him. He is now deadly serious and rarely smiles. He enjoys lho sticks and will smoke them when he is concerned or uneasy, saying that it helps focus and relax his mind. When in battle, he is often filled with rage, which fuels his psychic techniques, though the source of his anger is primarily self-loathing. He is, at his core, ashamed of his psychic talents and is burdened by guilt. History: Sten and his brother joined the Imperial Guard together when they turned 18 and served in the 27th Kaviskr Shock Troopers. Sten was promoted to Sergeant for his ability to quickly grasp a situation. He and his brother served in the same squad. No one seemed to question that their sergeant's hunches were often right, but when his hunches became more and more eerily accurate, they bean to worry, especially his brother. No one knows exactly what happened, but one day, a freak firestorm engulfed Sten's entire squad. He miraculously crawled out unharmed, and surrendered himself as a psyker. He soon found himself in the employ of the Inquisition due to his uncommon level of psychic control and his powerful abilities. Position in Retinue: Sten is adept at precognition techniques, such as reading the Emperor's Tarot, and is a potent Pyrokine. Also, as a former Gunnery Sergeant, he knows his munitions and wargear, and can serve a secondary role as armorer. Psychic Abilities: Sten is able to predict the future, though only with a great deal of focus and concentration, and usually only through vague symbolism. He also possesses potent pyrokinetic powers, often turning himself into a walking firestorm during combat. His psyker abilities have been classified as Beta Level. [/hider] Also, Crazy Guy, [url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Inquisitorial_Ranks#Retinue]perhaps I can help[/url]....