Name: Taralda [I]''I bloody hate idiots''[/I] Nicknames: '''Bullseye'' Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: She normally dresses up in easy sitting attire, like t-shirts and soft pants. Really her ''look'' ain't that big of a deal to her since heck she wants stuff that fits well since she be running around in it. Partiality over prettiness. Has short brown hair and green emerald eyes. Personality: Taralda is straightforward, unabashingy tomboy. She likes to talk about guns, boys and absolutely HATE shopping ''girly horse bollocks''. She is quite brash and impolite in her speech and mannerism even though her roots are what they are, she seems not to picked up that much etiquette since she loves to spit out a curse word as a lady would use the a comma Weapons: A massive runed etched Revolver with enough fire-power to knock peoples heads-off. Also she has a arsenal of non-magical flash-bangs, smoke grenades and sleep-gas. She tends to keep a few of each on her at all times. Abilities: She is a Seer who can see auras of all living things and a rune sketcher who can modify modern (and only modern) firearms with magical properties. History: Born in to a family of nobles of European origin and bloodline, Taralda had all a small girl could want from ponies to cash. Thankfully and rather surprisingly however Tarlada wanted none of the expensive glitter crap that her siblings wanted. The only thing that seemed to put her at peace was talking to her Uncle who himself was a seer and rune sketcher. He started to teach her about her powers at a quite young age and her somewhat strange limitation around modern firearms. Thankfully the uncle had a hunters license so already at the age of 10 Tarlada was playing around with guns that could take someone head off. Her family did not approve either of her fascination with ''brutish'' weapons and her inability to act with tact or female grace. Soon she was at the age of 18 sent over to the states with only her good family name and quite abit of cash on a bank account. Her family was not that fun to be around in the states she can do anything... Other: Curses alot, likes to play with guns and hates being called ''girly, babe, wuss'' or any other female denomination.