The foodcourt was packed with people, justified by the time of the day. Kartal found a table for four and took a seat. "Why don't you two get yours ordered first?" He suggested to them. "Once one of you return here, I'll get mine ordered." He waited for them to go before he began contemplating the failure of the day. Given the hotel key Lindemann realised that the cosplayer thought it's a date when she's only intending to give some advice. "He's thinking too ahead isn't he..." She thought, facepalming. She might as well get lunch and return to her room to get her Sandesgeist prepared. "I thought they know about my love-wait, I keep things secretive." She found the downside of keeping her private life secret. She walked out of the waiting room to get her food. Sanada was at the queue of a ramen restaurant. He got his SDF wallet out, intending to order a spicy miso ramen with spring onions. Heine was back to recording for television with his brother. He walked around the stadium to look for fighters to interview but so far found nobody willing. He was spotted by the Charlotte cosplayer. "Hi, you watched the battle?" He asked her. The cosplayer smiled. "I watched it." She replied. Heine thought about the fanclub's leader. "Am I able to get an interview yet?" He checked. She shook her head. "No. He's back in the trailer." She answered. Heine kind of expected that. "Is there anything else noting?" He asked for anything he can work on instead. She thought of it. "Actually David's best friend's been crazy about the German champion." She remembered. The young man raised his eyebrows. "I should find her then." He concluded. "Thanks." He waved goodbye to his fan before running off.