Name: Atellus Zuriel Gender: Male Age: 26 Appearance: [img][/img] Equipment: Carapace Armor Lasgun, Five spare magazines Extendable Plasteel Baton Flask of Amasec Engraved Knife Personality: Atellus can often be seen as rather stand-offish, keeping to his own most of the time, and remarking back with sarcastic comments when spoken to. This is largely due to the fact that most people outside of his home vessel find him rather unsettling as a voidborn, with pale skin, black hair, and bright yellow eyes, and he has taken to wearing his full suit of armor around in order to hide any signs that he has been touched by life aboard a space vessel. His life as a voidborn has, however, given him a higher tolerance for psykers and the strange things that seem to follow them. Afterall, a ship travelling through the warp tended to suffer from the occasional anomalies, and operation of a space vessel relied on psykers, such as astropaths, in order to function. History: As a voidborn, most of Atellus' life has been aboard a space ship, in his case, the ship of a Rogue Trader's, [i]The Baleful Beacon[/i]. There, he served as one of the Rogue Trader's many armsmen, keeping order onboard the ship, and, on occasion, going planetside in order to aid the Rogue Trader in any number of tasks that required a few extra guns. Atellus caught the interest of the Inquisition when he took part in an investigation of a murder that would lead to the discovery of a Chaos Cult onboard the vessel. While he played no particularly special role in the investigation, he was noted for his bravery and combat prowess against the cultists as one of the first men onboard to combat them, and taking part in an assault that stopped the cultists from taking down the ship's Gellar Field while in Warp transit. Position in Retinue: Atellus is primarily around to serve as the muscle, shooting and fighting his way out of issues should the situation demand it. He is also capable of taking on a more investigative role, though he is largely inexperienced in this field, having never really dealt with problems more than petty theft or breaking up fights during his time onboard [i]The Baleful Beacon[/i]