[hider=Backstory & Plot]Our shining metropolis is a jewel which many planetside cities fail to emulate. We come from many walks of life, but all of us are now proud citizens of Byzantium -- the city that floats among the stars. Inside the massively domed space station is a technologically advanced utopia. Per legislative order, all citizens have undergone full brain cyberization, allowing convenient access to the central net without a mobile device or computer. Ten years have passed since Byzantium became an official city. The people are in a transient state of bliss. Whatever hell you came from on Earth doesn't matter anymore. To you, Byzantium is a heavenly nirvana. Of course it's not without its flaws, but those parts of the city are well sectioned off. Unless you live in those areas. Well, even then it's not so bad. Shit, would you rather be back on that radioactive dust ball? Trying to survive the anarchistic chaos that brutalized the planet for over 100 years? Just be glad you were a healthy specimen that passed their screening process at one of those fortified outpost facilities. I bet you're happy that you steered clear from the more radioactive hazard zones. Would've cost you the golden ticket. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. They've given you a job based on your skills and psych-analysis tests, placing you in the lifestyle they feel you're best qualified to live. We're like one big community up here. Everyone does their part in making Byzantium run. Everyone. So don't fuck this up. Just go with the flow and everything will be okay...right? I mean...yeah, people have been acting real fucking strange lately. It's probably a worm or a trojan going around again. Had one just like this back in the 5th year. People started acting up until the government released a mass vaccination upgrade into our central nervous systems. It turned out that a lot of people weren't compatible with the vaccine they uploaded. Those poor bastards died instantly. But don't worry. They've run mock patches in the years since and made their results public. Only three deaths total! So yeah, a patch from centralnet should be coming by the end of the week. In the meantime, don't be a dumbass and open any mail from people you don't know. Shit don't open anything period, at least until this blows over. Comprende? Plot: You're a Byzantium citizen that is either acclimated, or getting acclimated to your new life onboard the utopian space city. A flu in the form of brain malware is causing erratic behavior to those who open specific messages. Victims are known to have psychotic and violent outbursts. Much to your use of common sense, you screen the ones that are potentially hazardous messages. For a moment in time, you remain safe in your little bubble...until the vaccination patch is mass-released to the public. Then whatever hell you thought you escaped from on Earth will pale in comparison to the horrors that await you on Byzantium.[/hider] --- [center]Byzantium City[/center] [img]http://www.wallpaper4me.com/images/wallpapers/future_city_from_above_w1.jpeg[/img] [u]Navigation[/u] [I]Byzantium's hexagonal points are used as directional references, going clockwise starting with The Beacon (the bright skyscrapers on the eastside). Each Point takes up a good radius of the outer rim. Downtown is considered the central area where all points converge.[/I] [hider=1st Point: The Beacon][Img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/139/3/7/future_city_too_by_robertdbrown-d3gq92q.jpg[/Img] [I]Info:[/I] The central hub where all government personnel and important figure heads stay. This section is essentially warded off from the rest of Byzantium, but they have been known to personally allow select citizens to attend conventions and festive celebrations. Some citizens get the rare opportunity to move up from their current station to become a member of Beacon's high society.[/hider] [hider=2nd Point: Crater Bay][img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/033/1/8/sluminside2_by_pe_travers-d5tjsv7.jpg[/img] [I]Info:[/I]Where most of the minerals and other goods get processed. This sector is entirely dedicated to the labor workforce that makes sure the proper materials excavated from earth are appropriately handled. These type of jobs are mainly assigned to Outward citizens. [/hider] [hider=3rd Point: The Wayward][img]http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2010/phattro/phattro_01.jpg[/img] [I]info:[/I] The only entrance to and from the outside wall of Byzantium. Citizens from the outward district must go through this checkpoint if their jobs are located in the city. Large cargo shipments of rare earth minerals excavated by mining sentries pass by here, shipping out to various parts of the city to be further processed.[/hider] [hider=4th & 5th Points: Residential Sector][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/230/6/c/dontnod___adrift_conceptart_01_by_paooo-d471b25.jpg[/img] [I]Info:[/I] An entire section is dedicated to the well-being and livelihood of Byzantium's finest citizens. Various recreational activities are found here, but Greater Downtown is the place to be. [/hider] [hider=6th Point + Central Byzantium: Greater Downtown][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/137/e/2/city_scape_2_by_pk87-d4pnrp9.jpg[/img] [I]Info:[/I] Reminiscent of the urban lifestyle of earth's once vibrant and fun cities. There are a number of things to do here. Music concerts, Graviskate games, Night Clubs, Art Festivals, Arcade Halls. You name it, they have it. [/hider] [hider=Outward District][img]http://imageserver.moviepilot.com/newcity_oldcity-chris-evans-and-joseph-gordon-levitt-in-akira-concept-art.jpeg?width=800&height=457[/img] [I]Info:[/I] Those who do not get assigned a station within the greater Byzantium area are forced to live in its outskirts. The Byzantium Police Force (BPF) keep the peace for the most part. Violent crimes are treated with zero tolerance. All forms of assault require rehabilitation at the nearest psych ward outpost. If you are tried for murder, you will be apprehended and judged accordingly.[/hider] --- Character Sheet [hider=Appearance][img]Realistic Picture[/img] and/or description[/hider] Name: Age: Height: Weight: Ethnicity: Build: (Average, Mildly Athletic, Toothpick, BBW, etc.) Personality: (Please include fears and weaknesses) Job: (Unemployment is not an option. Get a job! :)) Residency: (Outward District, or any of the 6 points) History: (Talk about your journey on earth before you found the Byzantium outpost that screened your entry into utopia. Did anyone come with you? Did you leave anyone behind? What is your life like on Byzantium now?) Other: (Any detail you feel will help flush your character out more) NPCs (Optional) Appearance: Name: Info: Relationship: (How is your main character affiliated with this person)