[i]"You want a trick or a treat?"[/i] [hider=appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/EwULR9B.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Name: [/b]Tatsumaki Hikari [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Date of Birth:[/b] October 31st [b]Appearance: [/b] Hikari is an average height of 5'2". Her body is well built with a bit more muscles than usual for a girl, though her breast haven't really developed a lot. Her skin tone is slightly tanned. She has orange eyes and mid-long, light blond hair that is always hanging loose around her head. Her normal outfit consists of an orange hoodie with black sleeves and a black T-shirt underneath, black knee pants and orange sneakers. She will also always have something sweet in her mouth like a lollipop or some gum. Her witch outfit is as seen in the picture above, but the only difference is that her hat doesn't have eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Hikari has a very straightforward personality and she isn't embarrassed to say what's on her mind. A lot of times she will say something and only afterwards realize that it may have been wrong to say that. She will always look happy and upbeat and the rare few times she would look down would be when she is out of sweets. Sweets are her biggest weakness and she is easily convinced to do something if she gets candy out of it. She likes to laugh a lot and jokes around with people. A lot of times she will trick people into believing something ridiculous and laugh at them. She does care a lot for the people she views as friends and will do anything to keep them safe. Her personality changes in battle though. She gets quite serious and will do almost anything to complete her objectives. [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b] [b]Strength(s):[/b] High amount of magic reserves, Athletic, High stamina [b]Weakness(es):[/b] Clumsy, Low durability [b]Tool(s):[/b] Phantasm Staff This staff also doubles as her broom. This is the staff she uses to channel her big illusion spells with. It is a wooden staff that is as tall as her, at the top the wood is shaped like a roundish triangle facing downwards with 3 vertical eyes in it. [b]Spells: [/b] Curses [u]Reverse Masquerade:[/u] She can only use this when she has a ghost of herself. Both she and her ghost have to say a 10 line incantation while holding her staff. When this spell is active it causes the colors seen by those she perceives as her enemies to be their opposite (color circle) and they will hear all sounds in reverse, which makes it hard to use incantations. The area in which enemies are affected by this is a 500m radius around her. To keep this spell up she has to feed it magic constantly and she has to keep touching her staff, if she lets go of her staff the spell gets broken. [u]Ghostly Combustion:[/u] She can let a ghost she made explode with this spell and it is her only real offensive spell. The explosion isn't that big, but it packs quite a punch. She does this by making the magic that the ghost is made of implode on itself, the more magic that she made the ghost with, the stronger the explosion. Charms [u]Vision Alteration:[/u] By touching someone she can change what their eyes see. This can easily be used on herself. She can for instance make them see in the dark or see heat instead of light. Once activated it takes a small amount of magic from the person who it is used on to keep it active and the person themselves can disable it when they want. [u]Ghost Link:[/u] She can link her own eyesight with that of one of her ghosts so that she will see the same thing it sees. She mainly uses this for scouting or in the rare case her own eyesight has been disabled in a fight. Crafts [u]Poltergeist:[/u] She creates a ghostlike copy of herself or someone she is touching and she can control this ghost with her thoughts. This ghost can use the same magic as the original person, but all spells it uses are cast with her own magic. For the ghost to cast a spell she needs to know the name of the spell, what it does and the original must be able to cast it themselves. There can only be 1 poltergeist at any time and it cannot become intangible. [u]Haunted Souls:[/u]With this spell she can create up to 3 ghosts. These ghosts can become tangible or intangible at her command and are also controlled by her thoughts. She can choose how much magic she uses to make them and the more magic she uses, the more damage they can withstand while being tangible. [b]Familiar:[/b] N/A [b][u]Other Information[/u][/b] Her favorite color is orange. She is addicted to sweets. Her favorite day of the year is her birthday which is on the same day as Halloween.