Drake: "If the noise gets too much I could always get some soundproofing in one of the unused rooms and set up a bit of a mini studio for her - if it gets to that, not that I am volunteering for extra work mind." What he said made Karen smile, even though it was no joke it felt like one and it was most likely going to happen too. Poor Drake would have to hear Krissy go on about what she wanted and where she wanted it. She was not hard to please but she was hard on the people doing things for her and the sisters had no idea where that came from either. The fact that Drake was now face to face with her meant she had his full attention though that was short lived as the area went from a nice peaceful place to a place which grew louder and louder every passing second. Kaylah looked over a nearby glass of water where she watched it start to move more and more, that meant one thing. Karen kind of frowned, yes her sister was coming home but Drake would be off or looking elsewhere in a matter of no time. Two minutes later the sound of loud guitars, bass, drums, keyboard and vocals could be heard blurring out at a stupid volume. The mother stayed where she was while Kaylah and Kat went to the front. Karen stayed close to Drake though knew she had to go to the front to greet the rebellious sister. The walk was short as the two sisters peered out to see a tour bus parked outside the manor with the music now even louder as the bus doors opened. The words blood on the floor repeated several times, the sisters had to cover there ears over the insane volume being pumped out of the tour bus, lucky the nearest place was a mile away or noise complaints would be frequent. Karen could hear the loud aggressive guitar tones, bass, drums and vocals all the way from the kitchen. She kind of smiled at Drake once more before trailing towards the front door where a loud roar left the bus. By the time Karen reached the front door the music was cut as the tour bus was now no longer running. Krissy jumps off the bus with a guitar case behind her, being the good sister Karen waved and began to approach the distance sister. Like Krissy always did she just gave a nod which was the best they would get from her. Kaylah and Kat soon approached hoping Krissy was in a pleasant mood which surprisingly she was. When the three were close she pulled them in and gave them a hug, something she normally did not start herself but usually ended. Krissy: "What's uuuuuuuppppppppppppp." The 90's catch phase rearing its ugly head once more. The sister were not sure how to react to Krissy's strange mood as they were released from there hold of the third oldest sister. Kaylah being the oldest and probably least deaf of the four spoke up first. Kaylah: "Nice to see you again sis but must you have the music up that loud?" Krissy: "Hell yeah, live heavy, live loud and live hard or go home." Kaylah, Karen and Kat: "................." Krissy: "Anyway who is going to help me unload the bus?" The three girls looked at each other as they saw Krissy move the side panel away from the side of the bus to reveal a tone of stuff making them wonder how they would do this in such a short time. Karen came to the conclusion that Drake would be needed followed by Kat and then Kaylah. Of course they would not let him do all the heavy lifting, just some of it as Kat and Karen would have to do it together due to Kat's weak frame and Karen's semi weak frame. Most of the items in the side department were musical instruments with two suit cases that had clothing and whatever else she most likely had. Hopefully Drake would come to the front to see the tour bus parked right outside the front door. Just like that Krissy handed a bass and guitar to Kaylah, a bass drum to Karen, the cymbals were packed up and given to Kat who would even have a problem with this sort of task and if Drake was seen she would hand him the rest of the drum kit to handle. Her room was big enough to handle all of this instruments. Krissy would take her own suitcases. Krissy: "Drake take the rest of the kit up." She yelled the last part out in case he did not hear it, the mother could hear her daughter yell from the kitchen, something Krissy had was a powerful voice.