[b]Name:[/b] Interrogator Anna Cassius [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 37 [hider=Appearance][img=http://wh40kart.im/_images/c435973e04c40ff93484ebb348ecdf24.jpg][/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] -Godwyn De'az Pattern Boltgun with Five Extra Clips -Unwarded Daemonblade of Tzeentch -Inquisitorial Power Armor -Rosarius -Grimoire of True Names -Excruciator -Archimedes, the Psyber-Raven [b]Personality:[/b] Anna is, in the basest of terms, a thug. She takes great joy in exercising any and all Inquistorial power on anyone, be they a lowly citizen on a hive world or an Astartes Marine. When men do not comply with her decisions, she delights in beating them senseless, or even shooting them on occasion to serve as a warning to the others. She is crude and crass, questions orders, and is nothing like what one would expect out of an Inquisitor. [b]History:[/b] Anna was born on the lower tiers of a Hive World, into a family indebted to numerous crime bosses for "protection" against each other. Growing up, her parents and home were under constant threat of muggings, break ins, and out-right slaughter. Often her father would return home badly bruised, and her mother couldn't go through one day without being groped at least a dozen times, if she was lucky. Anna, however, hardly ever showed any sort of emotion about any of it, even after she learned that none of this should have been happening on a world under the Emperor's light. Not once did she seem sad, nor angry, or even afraid of the men that showed up at the door. When she reached her teenage years, she began to branch out further than the walls of her home. The buildings nearby were broken into, stashes of money stolen, random passerby brutally beaten and robbed. Over the course of a year, dozens of debts were paid, and Anna even bought a gun for the family to use for defense. This swift turn around in profit did not go unnoticed, of course. One of the more prominent gangs, the first to be paid off by the young girl, had taken a notice. Without a moment of hesitation, they plucked her off the street and integrated her into their gang as a collector. Given a knife and a gun and thrown back to walk door to door. Few were surprised when that girl with the dead eyes and emotionless face came knocking at their door for money. The first few that she went to handed over money immediately. Eventually, though, one tried to make an excuse. He was beaten, harshly, had an arm broken. His wife was knocked unconscious. Before she left, she told him the next time she came, he better have their money. That was the first time anyone had seen her crack a smile. He told others of the brutality, of how she had grinned as she knocked him around at gunpoint and laughed as she snapped his arm over a table. These accusations were confirmed by several others that received the same treatment that same day. The gang liked the results. Powerful as they were, several people regularly skipped out on payments, and often members would cut them slack and allow them to pay next month, or even forget entirely. Some never paid at all. But Anna set an example. She was only fifteen, and she was making progress and getting money for herself and for the gang. She was rewarded by being given a bit of rank, some slightly better equipment. However, second month rolled in, and another person attempted to skip again. His family later found him in his house, sliced to bits, entrails scattered around the room. What little money had been in the house was gone, and when the PDF arrived at the gruesome scene, nothing but a few testimonies of a strange, violent girl could link Anna to the murder. The gang was worried, but never again did anyone try to get out of paying protection when she came knocking, even if it meant using all reserve money. However, this wasn't enough for her. She began to travel higher on the hive, and hit a few houses of people who weren't nameless vermin. She was caught, tried, and sentenced to serve in a penal legion for her crimes against humanity and the Emperor. Unlike most, she didn't seem at all perturbed at being sent to her eventual demise. Like most, she was given basic training, had her head shaved and received the Imperial Aquila tattooed on her left cheek. Most Penals don't survive their first engagement. She was thrown at a group of Tzeentch worshipers, as well as a few thousand other convicts. She went in gun blazing, grin plastered on her face. As her allies were shot down by the magic of the demons and the psykers amongst the cultists, Anna went unscathed, and killed scores of daemons alone whilst being assaulted by all sorts of sorceries. When she returned, the enemy had a hundred less demons and twenty less psykers, while countless lesser cultists had fled, believing her to be immortal. The Regiment she was assigned to charged the base, with her at the lead, and slaughtered what was left of the forces inside. Having survived, and having been the reason why so few of the Guard had died to the forces of Chaos, Anna's crimes were forgiven and she was made a permanent part of the 808 Forsberg Regiment. The newly named sergeant remained with the 808 for a few more years, leading many more suicide missions against the forces of Tzeentch, often coming out untouched other than some minor wounds. The Inquisition eventually pulled her out, and questioned her. Her time in the Guard had mellowed her out, and she was now a mouthy woman with no respect for the authority her interrogators held, and barely told them anything they wanted to hear. However, the testimonies of the men she served with, along with one Inquisitor seeing first hand her immunity to sorcery, they named her a blank. Too old to be sent to the Assassinorum for training, the Inquisition kept her for their own uses and shoved her in the direction of the Ordo Malleus. Given some melee combat training and furthering her knowledge in firearms, she was once more thrust into battles against the servants of Chaos. She was quick to make waves, doing things that even Astartes couldn't without taking substantial losses. Mighty daemons fell, sorcerers rendered useless, warp plagues stifled by her very presence. Eldar suppressed by power, and rogue psykers executed with little effort. While none could deny that she was an unpleasant human being, she got everything done in a timely fashion, and wouldn't fail to disappoint. Still, though, she fell in line with the Radicals of the Malleus. Often, she would aid in daemonic possessions, make deals with heretics to find much larger groups, and even would point enemy warbands in the direction of their enemies, free of charge, to eliminate her enemies for her. Whenever she was fielded, she'd take with her people that would seem heretical even to someone who knew nothing of the Emperor to serve as meat shields and extra guns. These went, for the most part, unnoticed by many, as when the body counts came in, they were among the numbers and none could scour her mind for information. However, this still got the attention of certain individuals, including the Inquisitor Xersus. [b]Position in Retinue:[/b] Anti-Psyker, Daemonslayer, and expert on Daemonic lore, anatomy, and abilities.