[b]Name:[/b] Ignacius Christus --- [b]Gender:[/b] Male --- [b]Age:[/b] 38 --- [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120716183356/warhammer40k/images/b/b2/Redemptor_Kyrinov.jpg] --- [b]Equipment:[/b] Standard Ecclisiarchy Robe The writings of Saint Tobias Imperial Canon A Confessor's scepter A chainsword --- [b]Personality:[/b] Father Ignacius Christus is a man of few words among his peers. He is often stoic and silent, showing little of his personality. When around close friends or people he could trust, the priest is actually aloft and prone to drifting among his thoughts. Father Christus considers himself a philosopher who often evaluates thoughts and ideas that he finds interesting. Those who have gained the trust of the priest would sometimes find themselves in the driest of conversations about the Imperial Canon and the ideologies of the Adeptus Ministorum. Father Christus also enjoys debating the myriad other dogmas of other Ecclisiarchy sects and enjoys the exchange of ideas. another subject that Father Christus also seems to enjoy, oddly enough, is the subject painting. Father Christus is delighted about discussing the different methods, subjects and styles used on the art. The priest is a novice on painting himself and has on occasion, given certain influential people his works of art. The priest however suffers secretly from addiction to alcohol which he has never told a single soul of. The priest has found it increasingly more difficult to hide his affliction however and it may not be too soon until somebody else knows about Father Christus' dark secret. Another flaw with Father Christus is that although it may be difficult for people to gain his trust, once one has done so, the priest would stay loyal to the person no matter what the odds. Even if the person commits the most heretical of acts, so long as he is a judged a true friend of the priest, he would remain true to this person. --- [b]History:[/b] Father Ignacius Christus was born on the agri-world of Carthagius. It was the forth from its star of Africanus and was a perfect world for life to thrive on. As such, Carthagius offered a rich bounty ofdifferent plants and animals as title fief. At the time of Ignacius' birth, the planetary governor of Carthagius was Neros Pappolus. Unknown to the people of the peaceful planet, Pappulos was actually an agent of chaos. No one would suspect of this as Pappolus hid himself well before the eyes of the public. He was a kind and respectable man who also sought to help those in need. He was also quite tall and had a pleasant figure and appearance so it would turn quite to be a surprise when he was learned to be an agent of the plague father, Nurgle. The people of Carthagius followed a sub-sect of the Adeptus Ministorum known as the Amileon faith. Amileons would disapprove the use of technology and use simply methods to grow their crops and live their lives. They believe that living in simplicity and humility will bring them closer to the Emperor and his light and strengthen their resolve against the dark temptation of chaos. They were very pious and devoted and would always strive to appease the Immortal Emperor by working hard and diligently. The Planetary Defense Force of Carthagius was well equipped like every other PDF's but their equipments were stored away in bunkers unless needed. When a traitor space marine warband devout to the plague father suddenly appeared to spread disease and pestilence to the pleasant agri-world appeared, the members of the PDF rushed to their bunkers to retrieve their equipment and fight off the heretics. However, secret cultist who worked with Pappolus rigged those bunkers to explode the minute those men entered, trapping them inside. The citizens of Carthagius were left to defend themselves when the PDF soldiers were lost. The Carthaginians were faithful and loyal to the Emperor and wholehearted in their service. They would not allow the forces of chaos to triumph so easily. Arming themselves with simple farming tools, they fanatically tried to repelled the invaders as best they could. The citizens held out for a day, long enough for the Inquisition to arrive with the Sisters of Battle to repel the plague marines. The inquisitor who arrived on the planet noted the exceptional courage and valor the Carthaginians displayed. The planet and those who fought of the invaders however were afflicted with rot and decay and there was nothing the Inquisition could do but perform an exterminatus and give the citizens the Emperor's peace. The children of Carthagius were declared free of taint and were rescued. This orphans were then sent to the Schola Progenium. The young Ignacius was always observed to be brilliant yet lethargic. This was perhaps due to the child asthma. Considering his history, the Drill Abbots suspected this as a taint of Nurgle. After observing no other diseases about the child, this allegations were proven false although a close eyes was still kept around him. His teachers also noted that he was always absent minded during his class lessons. His mind drifted every minute and he rarely noticed anything his teachers were trying to teach him. This became a problem for the child until he grew of the age old enough to leave the Schola. He was not qualified for any field of further studies so we was forced to leave the Schola without any formal training. He then moved back to his homeworld of Carthagius that had been replenished back to its old glory and was once again a thriving agri-world. Finding nowhere else to find employment, Ignacius took on the vows and oaths of the Ecclisiachy and became a monk at one of the chapels. He lived a simple life as he still followed some of the dogmas of Amileonism but was more open to the use of technological devices. This continued until Carthagius was to deploy its own Imperial Guard regiment under the command of Commander Erron Garse. The local church was then asked by the regiment commander for a preacher to assist them in their battle. Ignacius along with two others were chosen for the job. The new regiment, now known as the Carthaginian Assault Troopers were tasked to defend the forge world of Merrinia under attack from dark eldar raiding groups. For multiple days, the dark eldar chipped away at the regiment and captured a surprising amount of men. The inexperienced commander was no match for the cunning of the raiders. After a month on their deployment there, Ignacius along with a squad he was with was captured by the vile xenos. They were kept on a larger ship hiding on Merrinia's satellite smaller raiding parties deployed on the ground. As the ship was just about ready to return to Commorragh, one of the guard sergeants, Sergeant Anna Strumph, staged an escape. Sergeant Strumph and the others that escaped began to free the others that were locked. They then overpowered the crew and piloted the ship back to the planet's surface. As they did, the raiders scrambled back to their ship and tried to regain control of the vessel. Ignacius along with the other guardsmen defended Sergeant Strumph and a tech priest flew the craft into Merrinia's ocean. Once they got to the surface, the survivors contacted the rest of the Carthaginian Assault Troopers to engage the crippled dark eldar ship while it was still grounded. After an three days of intense fighting, the guardsmen killed every single dark eldar raider. Sergeant Strumph was then made the new commander of the Carthaginian Assault Troopers. When asked about any soldier for recommendation, Strumph named Ignacius among five others for their bravery and skill. Ignacius tried to deny this but the Minitorum made him a confessor for his act. After five years more of being a confessor, the Inquisition took notice of him and employed him in their ranks. --- [b]Position in Retinue:[/b] Father Ignacius Christus uses his oratory skills to stir the emotions of entire crowds, leading them to confess personal heresies and mutations, and to betray their neighbors as psykers or other deviants. He may also be employed to persuade certain people to give up information they might not confer with other people. Such is the job of a confessor. Father Christus also has basic guardsmen training and knows basic maneuvers and tactics on the battle field.