[hider=Sealameet] Name: Sealameet Dragon age: Adult Age from hatching: 450 years Gender: Male Magic: He manipulates fire, able to create balls of flames around him or usually when enrage having it burst forth from the ground. He also of course breaths it but whats different is that the flames he shoots out of his mouth are blue oddly, meaning it's hotter then what is normally expected able to melt most of anything besides the strongest of metals. He also has a slight ability to understand wolves, not greatly though, just some things here and there. His weakness with his ability is that the colder he gets, the less likely he will be able to use his fire manipulation. Dragon looks: [img=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc3zb4ApmO1rn9ge0o1_1280.png] [img=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc3zb4ApmO1rn9ge0o2_1280.png] Compact looks: If one was able to get close enough and mess with his hair, they would notice two small horns coming out of his head. There are scales along the spine of his compact forms back and if one got close enough to his eyes they would realize that they aren't entirely circular and has another set of eyelids. [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/870ebc2cbac6400f6f94a699add5572b/http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n164/Mikah_Ver_Leth/Myalltimerpc.jpg] Personality: He's a somewhat impassive dragon at times, but despite how he may act, underneath it all he is a rather compassionate dragon who is devoted to protecting friends and family. He has a fondness of learning and a habit of hording ancient texts that he might of found on his ventures or got from now lost tribes. He doesn't back down from a challenge easily and can be stubborn over some topics he feels strong about. Background: Born as the son of Sinh and Andraste, he grew up to be an adult within fifty years after his hatching. He was from the second clutch of eggs of the two somewhat ancient dragons so he has a rather large family, both older and younger then he. He was a rather odd dragon, born with two pairs of wings and rather abundant amount of fur going down his spine which only seemed to increase in amount as he aged. Once becoming an adult, rather finding a mate he decided more on traveling the world a bit and see the wonders it held as well as learn more about the odd race called humans, he was quite curious about them and wished to understand them unlike others. So after the ceremony he was off on his venture, traveling for two hundred years, visiting cities that are now gone or tribes of humans who had since past away. He has since found his own personal home which is away from dragons and humans where he keeps his horde of items that he has collected in quite a rather organized matter. In his ventures he has seen many things and has learned humans are perhaps just as complex as dragons are. Since his return for the next festival, he shares many of his tales of adventure he had in that two hundred year world trip. He met many friends who he watch grow and pass away. Despite how sad it was to loose those friends he knows death is part of life and most creatures don't share the long life dragon's have. He came across many adventurers as well as a few wolf packs that he remains in contact with through their newer generations. [/hider] [hider=Lucatiel] Name: Lucatiel Dragon age: adult Age from hatching: 327 Gender: Female Magic: Crystal -Has a crystal like breath that can paralyze foes if they stand in front of it for two long -Can cause crystals to form around her as a defense mechanism. -Have crystals rain down from the sky in front of her. -Makes art out of her crystal abilities. Dragon looks: [img=http://www.desktopaper.com/wp-content/uploads/amazing-seath-the-scaleless-wallpaper-by-azloraimt-dakm.jpg] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/335/b/2/seath_the_scaleless__commission__by_chelsearule-d5mrym6.jpg] Compact looks: Basically shown in the image itself. Her reptilian like eyes, slight horns on the front of head, clawed fingers. along with the odd fact she has a tail that she tries her best to keep hidden from view. [img=http://4nabs.com/upload/local6/_2012_absurdres_bad_id_crossbreed_priscilla_dark_souls_dragon_fur_green_eyes_highres_human_long_hair_new_year_priscilla_the_crossbreed_scythe_solo_sumi_no_hito_tail_weapon_white_hair__BeGy8LCEiz.jpg] Personality: She's a rather social dragon that has no problem making friends with just about anyone she can. Though she appears intimidating and her magic could be somewhat considered dangerous, she is perhaps one of the nicest dragons you could come across. She hardly gets angered and tries to make those around her happy to the best of her abilities. She has a fascination with unique things be it odd glowing stones or other dragons. Background: Lucatiel hatched and from the moment she hatched her parents knew something wasn't entirely right. When she entered the world, the world was dark and the world has always been dark. She was born blind, and not only that but her lower body hadn't formed properly as it should of. She had also hatched later then the other eggs in her clutch, her parents had nearly given up hope that the egg would ever hatch. When the egg did hatched, they then feared she wouldn't survive long but she pulled through and grew but she was entirely alone most of the time, her parents wanted to make sure she was safe and grew up healthy so few other dragons ever saw her and those that did tended to stay away due to her odd form. She didn't mind, growing up on her own. Her family was all the friends she needed. It was one older brother especially then she loved, that was her older brother Sealameet who upon seeing his sister, decided to help her when he could. He aided her whenever he was back from his journeys, helping her with her blindness. Over time she could make out shapes but color still alluded her. It wasn't until she gained her compact form could she see but even then that site hasn't always been the greatest. She has remained near the tribe most of her life due to it being a safe haven for her. In her spare time she creates crystal artwork to entertain the younger generation. [/hider] [hider=WIP (Tahamuyra)] Name: Tahamuyra Dragon age: Adult Age from hatching: 1313 Gender: Male Magic: His ability is the manipulation of magma. Dragon looks: [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/096/5/0/arioch_dragon_genesis_project_by_thiennh2-d7d9gbj.jpg] Compact looks: [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/112/f/3/Fantasy___Human_Gunner_by_reaper78.jpg] [img=http://vozrojdenie.ucoz.com/_ph/6/788031673.jpg] Personality: Background: [/hider]