There will be something done about it, but I will keep you informed about the official transition system :P [NPC] Captain of the Fifth Squad [hider=Riko Tamura] [b]~Shinigami~[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Riko Tamura [img=] [b]Age:[/b] 421 [b]Race:[/b] Shinigami [b]Rank:[/b] Captain Commander’s ex-lover - current Captain of the Fifth Squad [b]Spiritual Pressure Color:[/b] Orange [b]Personality:[/b] Riko is a loud, free-flowing person that doesn't mind saying what she wants to say, when she wants to say it, to whoever she wants to say it to. She did try working a bit on her manners since she became a Captain, at least when speaking to her superiors - but her only superior is Goken, so she dismissed the idea. She has no intention of being polite to him, not after leaving her for a promotion. Screw him. She was always an artistic person, although she keeps it more of a secret after becoming a Captain. It is enough that it shows during a battle, there is no need for her subordinates to know that she does enjoy occasional peaceful time with her own soul. It is better for the Squad, in the long run, if she remains the upbeat, loudmouth that she portrayed herself as - over the years. The only person (besides Goken) that knows of her artistic side is her lieutenant, Shota - and the fact made him try to hit on her even harder, which always ends with her punching or kicking him. One should keep in mind that Riko does care for her Squad members a lot - with all her heart, one might even say. As she is one of the oldest Captains of the generation, a lot of burden falls on her shoulders, which may be the reason why she is trying to be loud all the time and on top of all things - in charge. Because it's a way of not showing that she acknowledges the burdens that time has bestowed upon her. [b]History:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Shinigami Skills:[/b] [b]Reiryoku (3/4)[/b] [i]Reiatsu (4/4)[/i] [i]Kido Power (4/4)[/i] [b]Zanjutsu (2/4)[/b] [i]Offense (3/4)[/i] [i]Defense (4/4)[/i] [i]Physical Strength (3/4)[/i] - This only applies to the power and endurance of applying Zanjutsu. It indicates the power behind swings and thrusts made by one's weapon. [b]Hakuda (1/4)[/b] [i]Offense (1/4)[/i] [i]Defense (4/4)[/i] [i]Physical Strength (2/4)[/i] - This only applies to the power and endurance of applying Hakuda. It indicates the power behind strikes and blows made by one's body. [b]Kido (4/4)[/b] [i]Intelligence (3/4)[/i] [i]Knowledge (3/4)[/i] [b]Hoho (2/4)[/b] [i]Mobility(3/4)[/i] ~Zanpakuto~ [b]Name:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [b]Spirit Appearance:[/b] [b]Inner World:[/b] [b]Sealed Appearance:[/b] [b]Shikai Release Command:[/b] Within Restriction - flow, flourish, and shed your burdens, (zanpakuto name) [b]Shikai Appearance:[/b] [b]Shikai Skills:[/b] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [b]Bankai Appearance:[/b] (Note: if your character is not Captain ranked, he probably won't know his Bankai right off the bat and if you do want him to know, contact one of us - in either case, write NYA if he doesn't know it) [b]Bankai Skills:[/b] (refer to Shikai Skills) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [/hider]