I might have a character that could work. The future version of "Farseeker" Xukhezur Kavinath, as described by the linked material in my signature. --------------------------------------- [b]• Name:[/b] "Farseeker" [url=http://magerune.blogspot.com/2013/11/xukhezur-kavinath.html]Xukhezur Kavinath[/url] [b]• Race:[/b] [url=http://magerune.blogspot.com/2013/11/grimaskari-subrace.html]Grimaskari[/url] (altered Deep Imaskari... descended from humans) [b]• Age:[/b] 42 in biological years (about 30 in normal human years) and about 150 years since birth [b]• Gender:[/b] Male [b]• Appearance:[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/a/5f1Ub#0]click here[/url] [b]• Power:[/b] Artificer and [url=http://magerune.blogspot.com/2013/10/mechamancer.html]Mechamancer[/url]... a crafter and manipulator of various objects, constructs and magic implements by the method of imbuing them with magic infusions. Utilizing the assistance of a magically conjured minion and small contingent of construct servitors, he also builds, maintains and pilots mecha constructs that are often a product of both magic and technology. [b]• Faction:[/b] Currently unaligned. [b]• World of Origin:[/b] [i]a futuristic version of[/i] Toril (the location of the Forgotten Realms D&D setting) [b]• Personality:[/b] Adventurous, Curious, Competitive, Reasoned, Polite... (see backstory) [b]• Quote:[/b] (Pre-battle Quote) "I have already projected the rapidly diminishing probability of your success in this endeavor." [b]• Backstory:[/b] Xukhezur stands about three inches over six feet tall, with pale gray hairless skin, glossy black eyes, and a broad muscular build. He often conjures an articulated, form fitting suit of ablative, stabilized protomatter over an undershirt, breeches, knee high boots and fingerless leather gloves. He also wears a pocketed nightscale utility belt. In addition to the mecha constructs he often pilots from within, Xukhezur also employs several optic orb homunculi as a means of surveillance and exploration. He is about forty-two years of age, despite having been born nearly a century and a half ago. Upon acquiring and exercising the level of skill required to scribe a very particular and powerful scroll, he entrusted his mentor to cast its effect upon him and a well fashioned magic ring made of black dragonbone. He now shares a connection to this "Ring of Ages", allowing him to draw upon its strange, inanimate resilience whenever he wears it, in effect halting the aging process. This ring is virtually indestructible while he lives, but if separated from it, Xukhezur would be slightly weakened until he could reclaim it. However, thankfully the connection he shares with it would allow him to sense its location, wherever it might be if on the same plane. Xukhezur can be hired to build or create a vast array of objects and devices for a prospective client, as a means of advancing his own projects, and has also taken to adventuring, contractual mission assignments and remote mercantile enclaves as a means of financing them. He loves the challenge and satisfaction he gets from accomplishing difficult and often risky tasks on behalf of his people. Raised in the reasonably comfortable household environment maintained by his parents, he took quickly to learning the skills of his father, Kavuzaar, until it was obvious he would need more advanced tutelage. He was approached and recruited as an apprentice within a few days of submitting his application to the various guilds of magical artifice. His new mentor, was a skilled artificer named Nur'Zod, who guided him for the next thirty years, as he developed his craft and tested their applications in the fields of exploration and combat. In the decades since, his restless appetite for discovery has often led him far afield, beyond the comforts of his homeland. He lives to serve his people in an almost competitive manner, that he might occasionally return to present or demonstrate the products of his accomplishments in an open forum, and take in the welcoming praise and share accounts of his endeavors.