George’s comment on brothers brought a grateful smile to her lips. It was nice to not be alone in dealing with obnoxious siblings. She finished collecting the cards she had thrown, arranging them as neatly as one could arrange recently exploded cardstock. Passing them to George, she returned her attention to the landscape, humming brightly. Everything would be lovely—they must be getting close, right? Sadie could only hope. She needed to be at the castle [i]now[/i]! He asked her about what she did—and she tilted her head, considering his words. As he mentioned that he had yet to go to school, she found herself gaping. No primary school? That was just [i]weird[/i]. “Everyone is homeschooled? What if both your parents work?” She frowned, finding the idea very peculiar. Her mum and dad were always busy with the farm and their business. There’s no way they would have had time to homeschool her. “I started primary school when I was five. I would have been going to secondary school this year if I hadn’t gotten my letter. Um… outside of school and the farm, I really like films! And video games!” Sadie didn’t really think how alien her words would sound as she began babbling, bouncing away.