[center]Name: Harriet Hornet Age: 17 Alias: Harry What are you? A Half Mutant Half Human Whos side are you on?(Supernatural, Human, neutral) Neutral. Look: [img=http://oi60.tinypic.com/aayf7t.jpg] Powers:(Leave blank is human) Cat powers. Skills -Climbing walls that are impossible to climb (From cat powers) -Running fast and running away. (From cat powers) -Escaping people (As she can run fast and climb well.) -Can survive falls that are not ridiculously high. (Cat powers) -Has nine lives(Cat powers) Weapons: -[url=http://taildom.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/trim-cat-nails.jpg]HerClaws[/url] -[url=http://www.kidshalloweencostumes4u.com/pimages/large/knife-foam-weapon-sm.jpg]A Knife[/url] Personality: She is a very fierce character who is not afraid to hurt others and protect those she loves. Short bio: She was born as a half human and half mutant as she was not given birth to like most. She was created in a lab but she broke free. She has no family and hasn't made any friends but she finds herself fine alone. She has always stayed hidden away as she has a slight fear as she does not know any others of her type. She hopes to be accepted by both sides but she knows she wont so she tries to hide away. Other Although humans created her she can sense that the Supernaturals want peace that is why she hides. [/center]