[quote=PureThoughts] Konica the league community does have some absolutely atrocious people, but if you press tab, you can mute specific players on your team, or the opposing team and just simply say. "(Insert rage players name here) I'm going to mute you, if you want to communicate use pings." and mute immediately. There will be times where you absolutely hate the game, and other times where you absolutely love it. It's a very bitter sweet game lol. Just play it. If you haven't gotten to level 30 yet, I really recommend you do. :P [/quote] I wish I knew about muting sooner :gray [quote=Rookery] Okay guys, important. I've updated the and added a more detailed explanation (with examples). Please inform me if you have read it, so that I know we're all in the same page. [/quote] read it